Author Topic: is there a deck that burns your opp hand  (Read 2501 times)

Offline keyboard7

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is there a deck that burns your opp hand
« on: April 27, 2014, 02:28:02 PM »
just discards all of it

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Re: is there a deck that burns your opp hand
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2014, 02:50:51 PM »
Look at Natz winners decks. Jbeers just won Natz with a deck like that.
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Re: is there a deck that burns your opp hand
« Reply #2 on: April 27, 2014, 04:58:55 PM »
That deck, which has won nats twice now, is a type 1 deck that doesn't necessarily discard all your hand, but consistently targets your hand 1-4 cards per turn. It limits your options to play with, while targeting highly useful cards. Jbeers won with it at nationals using Gabe's deck list. Ironically enough years before this happened in type 2, but with Gabe using the deck list of RTSManiac. Although that deck didn't discard your whole hand, it got rid of your entire hand using words of discouragement, then placed multiple copies of sin in the camp in your territory. Since then there has been an errata of only one SitC per territory. Justin Alstad won type 2 2 player last year with a sort of hand control deck that had a very new twist to it. Choosing your hero to attack with, while Rain Becomes Dust is active, he would give you The Generous Widow so you had to discard 2 cards from hand and two from top of deck essentially. He also utilized Words of Discouragement. Hand control is obviously very viable but tricky to use, as it takes majority of your deck and doesn't seem to have many clear battle winners. If you go with hand control you got to go all out or it really won't work, then you will find that you don't need battle winners when they can't block you for face value.

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Re: is there a deck that burns your opp hand
« Reply #3 on: April 27, 2014, 06:14:11 PM »
To specifically answer your question, there is no card that has the ability," Discard opponent's hand".  The only card that can do anything like that is Primary Objective, but it gives your opponent the choice.

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Re: is there a deck that burns your opp hand
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2014, 09:59:28 PM »
Genesis/Romans eats your opponents hand, if you do it right.
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Re: is there a deck that burns your opp hand
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2014, 11:09:28 PM »
I don't think I've ever seen a deck do it but matches seem to work well. ;)

To specifically answer your question, there is no card that has the ability," Discard opponent's hand".  The only card that can do anything like that is Primary Objective, but it gives your opponent the choice.
Judging by the thread's title, I think he was looking for a "deck", not a specific card. :P

For seriousnesses though, to add to what others have said, I would say that in Type 1, I've seen some pretty good Genesis/Romans and the slightly less effective (yet still alright) Genesis/Egyptians. Type 2 on the other hand, I think that the most prevalent hand-reducing strategy is the Words of Discouragement/SitC combo, however more recently I've seen it done without SitC. The reason I think this trumps Genesis/Romans and/or Egyptians (G/R&E) that are good for Type 1 is that the G/R&E focus more on discard for the long run but in Type 2 your opponent has twice as many cards of which (s)he usually only needs one or two in order to make a successful rescue next turn. A lot of G/R&E's cards allow your opponent to make the choice of what to discard and they only discard usually 1-3 per turn. In Type 2, it's more effective to strike hard and fast rather than harder and slow. You might get rid of more cards with G/R&E but overall they're still winning Lost Souls here and there. I recently played a Type 2 game where my opponent got to play 3 WoDs in one battle, leaving me with nothing and handicapped for the next 5 or so turns. I didn't have much defense in the cards I originally had in my hand and I drew all the same cards the next three turns and then still not having much after that. Even though I was able to rescue 6 souls, my opponent caught up and won because I had nothing to do. Also, the main reason WoD decks don't really work in Type 1 is that you can only have 1 per 50, so usually 1 which is fairly ineffective.

In essence, if you're mostly a Type 1 player, which I would assume is true because usually newer board members are Type 1 players, however I could definitely be wrong, if you want to build a hand control deck, I'd definitely suggest Genesis/Romans or Genesis/Egyptians. Both have their perks but I'd say the former is more effective considering Nats 2013's Type 1 winner. That'd be a good reference to look at if you want to make that kind of deck.

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Re: is there a deck that burns your opp hand
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2014, 09:11:50 AM »
Something else to remember is that even if you get rid of their hand, you still have to deal with whatever your opponent has on board. Also don't forget your opponent is drawing three cards per turn, something not easy to mitigate.

You'll need to play with cards that control the board state. As well as speed elements that help you to gain and keep control of their hand.
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Offline keyboard7

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Re: is there a deck that burns your opp hand
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2014, 12:25:49 AM »
thank you for the info  :-*

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Re: is there a deck that burns your opp hand
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2014, 01:12:35 PM »
T1 deck:
8 LS
Besieging the City
40 cards to draw your deck faster
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