Author Topic: Is speed the only viable concept?  (Read 1614 times)

Offline Reth

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Is speed the only viable concept?
« on: March 12, 2018, 05:29:47 PM »
Hi there,

subject says it all: Is speed (including searching for cards - not only drawing) the only (current) concept for consistent winning (at least statistically)?
Or are there other concepts which resolve consistently within different matches with heterogeneous decks?

Curious about your opiniions!

Best Regards

Offline NathanW

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Re: Is speed the only viable concept?
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2018, 05:33:02 PM »
Well there's always preventing your opponent from drawing. It all comes back to card advantage because that's one of the main factors that determines who has a better chance of winning because there's no limit or cost to play cards. The problem with limiting your opponent from drawing is that you need to draw the cards that do the limiting yourself.
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Re: Is speed the only viable concept?
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2018, 05:45:28 PM »
It all comes back to card advantage because that's one of the main factors that determines who has a better chance of winning because there's no limit or cost to play cards.


However, it also depends on your definition of "speed." I don't think every deck necessarily needs to draw/search 3 extra cards every round, but being able to choose from multiple attack/block options (because of extra cards gained) will almost always give a player an advantage.
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Offline The Schaefer

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Re: Is speed the only viable concept?
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2018, 06:40:55 PM »
Well part of the issue is currently there aren't many cards that favor playing behind card advantage. Which honestly even if there were more they would still have to compete with the reliability of "speed" without also supporting it too much. I could see a powerful turtle theme that was more powerful when down card advantage being implemented into the game that had elements of speed to provide consistency but that's another matter.

It also depends on the format as well. Multiplayer formats favor speed all day. You can argue that the differences in type 1 and type 2 can allow for speed to be less of an issue both ways though I'd tentatively say it's less of an issue type 2 due to deck building requirements, and playing to 7 but that's a personal opinion that some may differ with.

But short version if you want consistency and better winning odds you want to be able to have strong plays consistently which typically shows up a little more often in decks that can draw them or search them out faster.


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