Thanks, that's very helpful and I will think more about what you suggested! Right now my go-to block is Nebuchadnezzar to Belshazzar's Banquet, and so if I take out Banquet then Neb loses a lot of potency because there aren't any CBI/CBN OT crimson battlewinners besides Scattered that he can grab. Maybe I could just try to still run BB with Iron Pan and just be careful 
well sometimes just grabbing a guy can be what you need, like the winged lion or astrologers after you have just used invoking terror on chaldeans or foreign wives when they have drawn or nergalsharezer when you want to make your ot enh in hand cbn. i also love that off neb you can grab king's pomp and lurking, or any other multicolor ot crimson cards. i really like to grab the dae enh with him too for hand then cbn on nergal.
i would run something along the lines of 32 cards:
3x nergal
3x nebby
2x bab soldiers
2x the winged lion
2x astrologers
1x chaldeans
1x foreign wives
2x messenger of satan
2x spirit of temptation
2x the god of this world
1x scattered
4x swift horses
3x head of gold - this is awesome with pan because you are negating their protection from capture!
2x invoking terror
2x suicide swine stampede
maybe 1 twice afflicted if you cut a horses for king's pomp which doesn't seem that necessary because you are taking care of basically everything you need to that the placed enhancements would give you trouble with with 3x iron pan.
the idea with the horses is to get them on nergal for cbn play and draw. 3x nerg allows him to be a bit disposable as he is going to have a grail/aotl/grapes target on his face all day.
2x gates of hell for adding to battle back ups when they play cbn battle winners or doms ie go with nerg they cbn battle win then you gates in with spirit or messenger banded to nebby and grab another block to ring up their battle cost.
this of course doesn't include but assumes you are running at least 1 copy each of the daes forest fire and drawn sword. which i would certainly use 2x of each.
let me know if you want to test your deck on lackey!!