Temple Artifacts
Several Redemption® cards refer to artifacts that are “temple artifacts”. The reference to temple is general and includes Solomon’s Temple, Zerubbabel’s Temple, and Herod’s Temple. It does not include the Tabernacle. For Tabernacle artifacts, see Tabernacle Artifacts. The following cards refer to temple artifacts:
• Filling Zerubbabel’s Temple (FF), Jehoiada the High Priest (Pi), Solomon's Temple (Pa), and Zerubbabel’s Temple (FF)
The following artifacts can be regularly found in the temple:
• Altar of Burnt Offering (Pi), Altar of Incense (E), Altar of Incense (Pi), Ark of the Covenant (Ki), Ark of the Covenant (Wa), Book of the Covenant (P), Book of the Law (Pi), Holy of Holies (DL), Holy of Holies (DU), Holy of Holies (Pi), Lampstand of the Sanctuary (Pi), Pot of Manna (P), Table of Showbread (Pi), Tables of the Law (G), Tables of the Law (Pi), Tables of the Law (Wa), Temple Veil (F), The Bronze Laver (Pi), The Silver Trumpets (Pi), and Windows of Narrow Light (P)
NOTE: Several items may be periodically found in the temple, but are not considered part of this category (e.g., Asherah Pole (Ki), Priestly Breastplate (CL), Priestly Breastplate (CU) or Priestly Breastplate (Pi), Priestly Crown (E), Urim and Thummim (Pi)
Tabernacle Artifacts
Several Redemption® cards refer to artifacts that are “tabernacle artifacts”. The following cards refer to tabernacle artifacts:
• Aaron (Di), Aaron (Pi), Bezaleel (Pi), Covering the Sacred Things (Pi), Eli the Priest (Pi), Eli the Priest (RA), Oholiab (Pi), and The Tabernacle (Pi)
The following artifacts can be found regularly in the Tabernacle:
• Altar of Burnt Offering (Pi), Altar of Incense (E), Altar of Incense (Pi), Ark of the Covenant (Ki), Ark of the Covenant (Wa), Book of the Covenant (P), Holy of Holies (DL), Holy of Holies (DU), Holy of Holies (Pi), Lampstand of the Sanctuary (Pi), Pot of Manna (P), Table of Showbread (Pi), Tables of the Law (G), Tables of the Law (Pi), Tables of the Law (Wa), Temple Veil (F), The Bronze Laver (Pi), and The Silver Trumpets (Pi)
NOTE: Several items may be periodically found in the temple, but are not considered part of this category (e.g., Priestly Breastplate (CL), Priestly Breastplate (CU), or Priestly Breastplate (Pi), Priestly Crown (E), Urim and Thummim (Pi).