A combo that can be a lot of fun and lead to a lock-out is the use of the exchanger lost soul and other cards that can exchange souls (such as the evil character Nebushasban) combined with the site Hormah and other cards that shuffle only your land of bondage (such as Death of Unrighteous). I built a fun Assyrian/Babylonian deck that used this combination to continually exchange lost souls as long as I could, then shuffle my land of bondage. This way, my lost souls are in my opponent's land of bondage, and my opponent's lost souls are shuffled back into his deck. This way, I both generate lost souls and create soul drought for my opponent. It's a very fun deck that I enjoy using. Combined with burial, you only need to use your exchanger and Nebushasban once each to make sure only 4 of your souls can possibly be in your land of bondage. This also takes care of many of the methods used to generate lost souls that do not rely on defense, such as call, water jar, and fishers. Hopper is the only one you really have to worry about, as well as the evil cards that can create lost souls. However, Assyrians and Babylonians have characters that allow you to take care of captured characters, such as King Asnapper who lets you transfer a captured character to your opponents land of bondage or Babylonian Soldiers who lets you remove a captured character from the game. I realize this isn't heretics, but it is a way to create a lock-out, more specifically, a soul drought lock-out.