Author Topic: 3 cards that make philistine users suck their thumbs  (Read 18962 times)

Offline TheKarazyvicePresidentRR

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Re: 3 cards that make philistine users suck their thumbs
« Reply #25 on: April 05, 2010, 02:19:35 PM »
OH! no, philistines can get rid of temples too with their land dispute.
IF they don't have a site.

Yes, but thats why you play land pruchase... recure it and get it again and play again. cause i have never seen a priest deck containing site's. exept site access sites, which is why you get land purchase out twice.
You've never played me apparently ;)
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Re: 3 cards that make philistine users suck their thumbs
« Reply #26 on: April 05, 2010, 02:22:07 PM »
OH! no, philistines can get rid of temples too with their land dispute.
IF they don't have a site.

Yes, but thats why you play land pruchase... recure it and get it again and play again. cause i have never seen a priest deck containing site's. exept site access sites, which is why you get land purchase out twice.
You've never played me apparently ;)
also, Land Purchase searches for a site. Land Dispute on the other hand...

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Re: 3 cards that make philistine users suck their thumbs
« Reply #27 on: April 05, 2010, 02:25:17 PM »
IF they don't have a site. Babs have both Axe and Desecrate the Temple, each of which can get rid of ZTemple no matter what. Brown has Crucify Him also...

Axe only works conditionally also.


Type: Evil Enh. • Brigade: Crimson • Ability: 3 / 2 • Class: Weapon • Special Ability: If used by a Babylonian, you may discard this card to discard a Fortress. Opponent may discard one of his Sites instead. • Attributes: Based on Prophecy, Depicts a Weapon • Identifiers: OT, Based on Prophecy, Depicts a Weapon • Verse: Ezekiel 26:9 • Availability: Thesaurus ex Preteritus booster packs ()

 Teals also has temple recursion.  Like I said they are not perfect, but they have reusable, recurable, artifact negation.  They are pretty good, but pair them with brown with some Ashdod action and watch out. ;)

they do, but in an FBTN battle between Phineas or Josh against a Philistine, Phineas/Josh will probably win.
oh, and I think Brown is best equipped...

Well, yeah maybe Joshua would cause problems for a little philistine, thats what CM is for.  Also Phineas can have some fear Brought so its FBTN for you, not me :)  And its recurable.

I realize what Philli priest does, but what will that accomplish? I can still stop Wrath with a number of things.

I wouldn't be using Wrath, I would just CM you.  Good luck Negating that. ;)


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Re: 3 cards that make philistine users suck their thumbs
« Reply #28 on: April 05, 2010, 02:28:58 PM »
Phineas can still have such Zeal that no Fear can phase him!

also, my comment was directed to how this war was started, with Da Muzik Maker's comment. as for CM, it's a fact of life, like all dominants. but there's always Chariot.

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Re: 3 cards that make philistine users suck their thumbs
« Reply #29 on: April 05, 2010, 02:41:39 PM »
Phineas can still have such Zeal that no Fear can phase him!

Very true but If I bring Fear first I believe you can't interrupt it.

also, my comment was directed to how this war was started, with Da Muzik Maker's comment.

Ok sorry just trying to stick up for my Philistines, there are a lot of fun.

as for CM, it's a fact of life, like all dominants
True so true.

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Re: 3 cards that make philistine users suck their thumbs
« Reply #30 on: April 05, 2010, 02:47:56 PM »
Phineas can still have such Zeal that no Fear can phase him!

also, my comment was directed to how this war was started, with Da Muzik Maker's comment. as for CM, it's a fact of life, like all dominants. but there's always Chariot.

And again, crucify him.

And i wouldn't be so estatic with phineas, he is high numbers, all you do is play FBTN enh befor. plus, if you used a priets offence, i would Save CM.
Play FBTN before vs phinehas = Zeal'd.
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Re: 3 cards that make philistine users suck their thumbs
« Reply #31 on: April 05, 2010, 02:59:28 PM »
Phineas can still have such Zeal that no Fear can phase him!

Very true but If I bring Fear first I believe you can't interrupt it.
Zeal is trying to interrupt it. Zeal is trying to discard you unnegateably.

Phineas can still have such Zeal that no Fear can phase him!

also, my comment was directed to how this war was started, with Da Muzik Maker's comment. as for CM, it's a fact of life, like all dominants. but there's always Chariot.

And again, crucify him.

And i wouldn't be so estatic with phineas, he is high numbers, all you do is play FBTN enh befor. plus, if you used a priets offence, i would Save CM.
Play FBTN before vs phinehas = Zeal'd.

This is also where philistine garrison come in, and phineas is ignored, so you can't hurt him. nor would you have initative.
immuned. there's a difference. and what happened to Philistine Priest blocking? regardless, you block with Philli Garrison and you'll still get Zeal'd. and you would have the initiative.

Offline TheKarazyvicePresidentRR

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Re: 3 cards that make philistine users suck their thumbs
« Reply #32 on: April 05, 2010, 03:04:09 PM »
Pretty much teals breakdown of power is this

Decent banding/high numbers
CBN battle winners, one with ITB
Powerful battle winners / Negates
Ways to recur all of the above.
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Re: 3 cards that make philistine users suck their thumbs
« Reply #33 on: April 05, 2010, 03:09:57 PM »
Da Muzik Maker, Zeal interrupts the immunity.

their recursion methods are weak though. it's recursion with placing. which means their two best enhancements are out of it. (Zeal and Burning Incense...) Zeal could be used, but Jehoida's Strength and Holy Unto the Lord are the only definite good ones to recur.

Pretty much teals breakdown of power is this

Decent banding/high numbers
CBN battle winners, one with ITB
Powerful battle winners / Negates
Ways to recur all of the above.

If you where smart, you wouldn't band against giants. cause they could do so much to your territory without you able to do a thing. like, land dispute, land purchase, recuring land purchase, and when they are all done, you play image of jealousy on the hero who banded. ouch.
Brown isn't giants. and Land Purchase does NOTHING to the territory. and Land Dispute and IoJ you don't need to play in battle. so far no card mention does anything different.


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Re: 3 cards that make philistine users suck their thumbs
« Reply #34 on: April 05, 2010, 03:20:48 PM »
Da Muzik Maker, Zeal interrupts the immunity.

their recursion methods are weak though. it's recursion with placing. which means their two best enhancements are out of it. (Zeal and Burning Incense...) Zeal could be used, but Jehoida's Strength and Holy Unto the Lord are the only definite good ones to recur.

Pretty much teals breakdown of power is this

Decent banding/high numbers
CBN battle winners, one with ITB
Powerful battle winners / Negates
Ways to recur all of the above.

If you where smart, you wouldn't band against giants. cause they could do so much to your territory without you able to do a thing. like, land dispute, land purchase, recuring land purchase, and when they are all done, you play image of jealousy on the hero who banded. ouch.
Brown isn't giants. and Land Purchase does NOTHING to the territory. and Land Dispute and IoJ you don't need to play in battle. so far no card mention does anything different.

true...... i forgot about the territory class... as far as zeal, i would just play bringing fear. But you could come in with philistine armor bearer, play bringing fear, and then search for someone with high numbers. but can you use philistine armour bearer after you plan an enhancment? if not, then his ability is pretty useless, and i am talking about the part that says "enhancments stay in battle".
:doh:Zeal is an interrupt, discard, CBN. I suggest you look up cards before you give a counter to them. Bringing Fear would do nothing to Zeal.
and Philli armor Bearer is an instant ability. Warrior Class Enhancements would stay. or if he was Lurking'd into battle.

Offline TheKarazyvicePresidentRR

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Re: 3 cards that make philistine users suck their thumbs
« Reply #35 on: April 05, 2010, 03:22:09 PM »
If you band to him or he has a weapon his ability is VERY useful. Also again Zeal on phin is cbn, it doesn't matter if your negate is cbn 8 ways till tuesday, The d/c is the part hitting you, not the negate.
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Re: 3 cards that make philistine users suck their thumbs
« Reply #36 on: April 05, 2010, 03:26:47 PM »
Zeal is trying to interrupt it. Zeal is trying to discard you unnegateably.

:doh:Zeal is an interrupt, discard, CBN. I suggest you look up cards before you give a counter to them. Bringing Fear would do nothing to Zeal.
and Philli armor Bearer is an instant ability. Warrior Class Enhancements would stay. or if he was Lurking'd into battle.

If you band to him or he has a weapon his ability is VERY useful. Also again Zeal on phin is cbn, it doesn't matter if your negate is cbn 8 ways till tuesday, The d/c is the part hitting you, not the negate

If you can't interrupt, then you can't discard if you are already dying?  If I block with a 2/2 Fallen Warrior, Bring Fear, Overwhelmed by Philli.  You cannot use Zeal to save yourself because you cannot interrupt bringing fear.  My Cannot be Negated hit first and is Preventing your CBN.  Cannot be negated means cannot be negated.  You cannot use Zeal to stop Bringing Fear.


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Re: 3 cards that make philistine users suck their thumbs
« Reply #37 on: April 05, 2010, 03:30:07 PM »
Zeal is trying to interrupt it. Zeal is trying to discard you unnegateably.

:doh:Zeal is an interrupt, discard, CBN. I suggest you look up cards before you give a counter to them. Bringing Fear would do nothing to Zeal.
and Philli armor Bearer is an instant ability. Warrior Class Enhancements would stay. or if he was Lurking'd into battle.

If you band to him or he has a weapon his ability is VERY useful. Also again Zeal on phin is cbn, it doesn't matter if your negate is cbn 8 ways till tuesday, The d/c is the part hitting you, not the negate

If you can't interrupt, then you can't discard if you are already dying?  If I block with a 2/2 Fallen Warrior, Bring Fear, Overwhelmed by Philli.  You cannot use Zeal to save yourself because you cannot interrupt bringing fear.  My Cannot be Negated hit first and is Preventing your CBN.  Cannot be negated means cannot be negated.  You cannot use Zeal to stop Bringing Fear.
you can't prevent a CBN. Negate=Interrupt + Prevent. thus Cannot be Negated=Cannot be Interrupted or Prevented. as far as Overwhelmed by Philli goes, if I have Covenant of Phineas up, it won't work.

Offline BubbleBoy

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Re: 3 cards that make philistine users suck their thumbs
« Reply #38 on: April 05, 2010, 03:35:15 PM »
you can't prevent a CBN. Negate=Interrupt + Prevent. thus Cannot be Negated=Cannot be Interrupted or Prevented. as far as Overwhelmed by Philli goes, if I have Covenant of Phineas up, it won't work.
Actually, Negate ≠ interrupt + prevent now, but I still agree with the rest of this.
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Re: 3 cards that make philistine users suck their thumbs
« Reply #39 on: April 05, 2010, 03:40:00 PM »
I believe it was ruled that when 2 CBN cards collide the first played takes precedence.  your would be indirectly negating my Bringing Fear, so you cannot interrupt a cannot be interrupted prevent.  

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Re: 3 cards that make philistine users suck their thumbs
« Reply #40 on: April 05, 2010, 03:43:12 PM »
Actually, Negate ≠ interrupt + prevent

According to the REG that is incorrect.  Until there is a ruling by the PTB that this is the case and it is documented the current REG stand as stating "Negate = Interrupt + prevent".

Offline BubbleBoy

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Re: 3 cards that make philistine users suck their thumbs
« Reply #41 on: April 05, 2010, 03:46:18 PM »
I believe it was ruled that when 2 CBN cards collide the first played takes precedence.  your would be indirectly negating my Bringing Fear, so you cannot interrupt a cannot be interrupted prevent.  
If a CBN card that removes the opposing character from battle is played, then no other CBN battle-winners can be played anyway. But Bringing Fear does not remove any heroes from battle. It just tries to negate all that hero's stuff. However, if something played by that hero is CBN, then it doesn't matter whether Bringing Fear is CBN - it takes effect anyway, because cannot be negated means cannot be negated. Bringing fear also cannot be interrupted, but if the hero has initiative, that doesn't even matter. Do you understand now?
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Re: 3 cards that make philistine users suck their thumbs
« Reply #42 on: April 05, 2010, 03:51:20 PM »
Bringing fear also cannot be interrupted, but if the hero has initiative, that doesn't even matter. Do you understand now?

No because you are indirectly negating an CBN card which you cannot do.  I have started a thread about it here, it is more appropriate over in the Ruling Questions thread.  I will make all further comments regarding this there.


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Re: 3 cards that make philistine users suck their thumbs
« Reply #43 on: April 05, 2010, 03:51:43 PM »
you can't prevent a CBN. Negate=Interrupt + Prevent. thus Cannot be Negated=Cannot be Interrupted or Prevented. as far as Overwhelmed by Philli goes, if I have Covenant of Phineas up, it won't work.
Actually, Negate ≠ interrupt + prevent now, but I still agree with the rest of this.
I believe it was ruled that when 2 CBN cards collide the first played takes precedence.  your would be indirectly negating my Bringing Fear, so you cannot interrupt a cannot be interrupted prevent.  
again, when did this happen? normally, you would be correct, but because it's a CBN negate, which cannot negate a CBN card. just as Regardless plows through CBN without negating them, CBN plows through negates without negating them. Zeal is not attempting to interrupt the Bringing Fear. it's just going through it with a CBN discard. *instaposted*
Zeal is trying to interrupt it. Zeal is trying to discard you unnegateably.

:doh:Zeal is an interrupt, discard, CBN. I suggest you look up cards before you give a counter to them. Bringing Fear would do nothing to Zeal.
and Philli armor Bearer is an instant ability. Warrior Class Enhancements would stay. or if he was Lurking'd into battle.

If you band to him or he has a weapon his ability is VERY useful. Also again Zeal on phin is cbn, it doesn't matter if your negate is cbn 8 ways till tuesday, The d/c is the part hitting you, not the negate

If you can't interrupt, then you can't discard if you are already dying?  If I block with a 2/2 Fallen Warrior, Bring Fear, Overwhelmed by Philli.  You cannot use Zeal to save yourself because you cannot interrupt bringing fear.  My Cannot be Negated hit first and is Preventing your CBN.  Cannot be negated means cannot be negated.  You cannot use Zeal to stop Bringing Fear.
you can't prevent a CBN. Negate=Interrupt + Prevent. thus Cannot be Negated=Cannot be Interrupted or Prevented. as far as Overwhelmed by Philli goes, if I have Covenant of Phineas up, it won't work.

And again, DoN.
and again, Lampy. and you already have Fallen Warrior in, you cannot switch for Philli Priests now.

everything I once knew about Redemption is coming crashing down. this is ridiculous.

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Re: 3 cards that make philistine users suck their thumbs
« Reply #44 on: April 05, 2010, 03:57:01 PM »
it's just going through it with a CBN discard.

But you are losing battle by removal you can only stop that with an Interrupt, which you can not play because of Bringing Fear, if you cannot interrupt the discard ability you are not there to play Zeal for the Lord, because you are already dead.  the Rulebook says when you are losing by removal you can only negate or interrupt.  Since you can do neither it does nothing.

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Re: 3 cards that make philistine users suck their thumbs
« Reply #45 on: April 05, 2010, 04:05:54 PM »
Alright, I'm really confused now. I think a lot of people have misunderstood a lot of other peoples' statements here. I don't think I can clear it up now, because my computer is being super slow, but I will return...
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Re: 3 cards that make philistine users suck their thumbs
« Reply #46 on: April 05, 2010, 04:10:22 PM »
Lol, a cannot be interupted if used by phineas VS a negate, well, negate is both, so negate winns!
Zeal is CBN, not just CBI.

then whatever fort is holding lampy is now negated cause my brown just used image of jealousy.
too bad it's not your turn so you cannot play IoJ.

And this stinks for priests cause they don't have alot of negates.
3 interrupts. that's pretty good.

it's just going through it with a CBN discard.

But you are losing battle by removal you can only stop that with an Interrupt, which you can not play because of Bringing Fear, if you cannot interrupt the discard ability you are not there to play Zeal for the Lord, because you are already dead.  the Rulebook says when you are losing by removal you can only negate or interrupt.  Since you can do neither it does nothing.
right. I'd be interrupting it. Bringing Fear does not negate the interrupt because Zeal cannot be negated. I feel like I'm repeating myself, but then, you probably feel the same way. this will be resolved on the other thread.


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Re: 3 cards that make philistine users suck their thumbs
« Reply #47 on: April 05, 2010, 06:55:03 PM »
Lol, a cannot be interupted if used by phineas VS a negate, well, negate is both, so negate winns!
Zeal is CBN, not just CBI.

then whatever fort is holding lampy is now negated cause my brown just used image of jealousy.
too bad it's not your turn so you cannot play IoJ.

And this stinks for priests cause they don't have alot of negates.
3 interrupts. that's pretty good.
Interupts? ok, that is good, but no negates. giants have more Negates then preists have interupts.

And as far as IoJ goes, you can play territory class enh anytime right? plus, even if i couldn't, now i know, so now i'm going to play it before i enter battle. there, now you can't hold it, (i know i'm sounding rude, but i don't mean to, i'm thinking of new ways to get around stuff, and this topic has turned into a Da Muzik Maker is learning session, thanks guys) and now i can DoN cov of phineas.
Giants have 4 negates by my count. Foolish Advice, Devourer, Bringing Fear, and one that I'm missing (pretty sure, haha)... with Joshua the High Priest, those are all dead in the water.
territory class you can only play in your Prep or Discard phase.

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Re: 3 cards that make philistine users suck their thumbs
« Reply #48 on: April 05, 2010, 07:00:46 PM »
Giants have 4 negates by my count. Foolish Advice, Devourer, Bringing Fear, and one that I'm missing (pretty sure, haha)...
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Re: 3 cards that make philistine users suck their thumbs
« Reply #49 on: April 05, 2010, 07:03:34 PM »
Giants have 4 negates by my count. Foolish Advice, Devourer, Bringing Fear, and one that I'm missing (pretty sure, haha)...
Denying Blame.
there we go!
also, Pride of Simon is an interrupt, right?


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