Author Topic: Who decides which ability triggers if more then one is in question?  (Read 687 times)

Offline Reth

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Hi everybody,

situation is as follows.
RA with Deborah's Directive (DD) is played and Samuel RoA and David, the Psalmist is banded into battle.
Later on during battle opponent draws Forsaken LS so DD is negated while Samuel's band would be CBN.
So question is whether David has been banded by DD or by Samuel. How can decide this and when does it have to be decided?

I'd assume it has to be decided while characters are banded and by the player banding them into battle. But what is the experience in real life playing? Is this always announced like this?

Thanks for your explanation!


Offline RedemptionAggie

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When you band in multiple characters, you choose which order their abilities activate. So you should clearly either band in both characters with DD, or clearly Samuel bands to David (such as if he has to search for him).

If you don't clearly do either, I'd be inclined to rule that DD banded in both.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2018, 05:25:22 PM by RedemptionAggie »


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