Author Topic: What happens?  (Read 1221 times)

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What happens?
« on: July 28, 2009, 02:28:18 PM »
Type 2 rules:

RA with Generous Widow [(Choosing to rescue Women only LS) GW's s/a doesn't matter)]. Blocked by Complainers s/a Complainers
Type: Evil Char. • Brigade: Brown • Ability: 6 / 6 • Class: None • Special Ability: Negate all special abilities on opponent’s Heroes. You may exchange a Hero in battle with a Hero in opponent’s territory. •

Complainers chooses Ehud (Ehud's s/a doesn't apply to scenerio because it is negated). Ehud plays Deborah's Directive s/a Interrupt the battle and band any number of O.T. human Heroes into battle. Cannot be negated by an evil card and adds Moses (s/a By the numbers).

Due to DD's Interrupt, does Moses s/a now negate Complainers and undo the battle back to GW vs Complainers and make it by the numbers at that point? (side note: If it doesn't then the Women only LS cannot be rescued. If it does then GW can.)

Second Question: If Wall of Protection is up, does Complainers s/a regarding exchanging a Hero in Battle with a Hero in opponent's territory work?
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Re: What happens?
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2009, 02:43:36 PM »
It negates Complainers.  FBN between GW and Complainers.


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Re: What happens?
« Reply #2 on: July 28, 2009, 03:08:06 PM »
Second Question: If Wall of Protection is up, does Complainers s/a regarding exchanging a Hero in Battle with a Hero in opponent's territory work?

As far as I know, if WOP is up on your side, then Complainers can only negate your special abilities.

Since we are talking about complainers, here's an additional question:

If a hero that has a special that is active outside of battle (e.g. Aaron's protection) and they have activated it in a previous battle, when complainers comes into battle at a later point, does his ability resets so he has to enter battle again to reactivate it or does it reactivate after the battle is over?

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Re: What happens?
« Reply #3 on: July 28, 2009, 03:24:37 PM »
Gained abilities cannot be negated at a later turn, and I'm assuming that abilities like continuous protection on Aaron are gained after the first phase they're activated in.

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Re: What happens?
« Reply #4 on: July 28, 2009, 03:45:38 PM »
As far as I know, if WOP is up on your side, then Complainers can only negate your special abilities.


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