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This issue for me came about here, and hereBasically, you can play any plain old vanilla negate after a CBP card is played, and it is negated. I bet you could even band in a FBTN character after a CBP is played and you can negate it. Which leads me to ask, what is the point?
I can see both sides of this argument.
I can see both sides of this argument. CBP seems like it should follow suit with CBN and CBI, but has been ruled otherwise. The difference in the abilities lies with the interrupt ability. Both CBN and CBI stop the ability to interrupt, whereas CBP does not. Once an ability is interrupted, the ability is postponed until the interrupt ability completes. Therefore, when the CBP ability is interrupted the CBP ability is not activated until the interrupt completes. Basically it just can not be assumed that since one ability works one way that similar abilities also work that way. I do agree that the CBP title is a bit misleading.
I understand that is sometimes handy, but it makes no logical sense. I cannot negate a CBN card, I cannot interrupt a CBI card, but I can prevent a CBP card?
it makes TONS of since... ur saying we should be able to prevent things that have already happened?
Quoteit makes TONS of since... ur saying we should be able to prevent things that have already happened?No . I am saying that once a CBP card is played, you shouldn't be able to ever prevent it.
Conflict of terms..
CBP really doesn't mean Cannot mean Prevented. it means cannot be stopped by something played before the CBP card was played. I don't like it either, but it makes sense.
Me: You cannot negate this card because it CBN and CBN means CBN, same with CBI, but CBP doesn't mean CBP.New Player: Huh?The quote above is actually a quote from trying teach someone new about the rules. The first thing they said after that is it makes no sense. I agree, this really doesn't make any sense to me either.
CBP means you cannot prevent the ability of the card before it is played.CBI means you cannot interrupt the ability of the card after it is played.CBN means you cannot do either of these things before OR after.
Teaching based on what you admit is your own incomplete understanding of the card is going to give the students the same confusion the teacher has.
You are not preventing the ability of the card if you are stopping its effect after it has been played.
I will repeat, I know how the cards are to be played, I am attempting to discuss the way I would like for them to be played, perhaps I posted this in the wrong section.
I disagree, if you interrupt a card, and then prevent it.
Cannot be prevented, emphasis on the PRE. Pre = before. There are cards that say: "Prevent the special ability of the next x played." A card can only be prevented beforehand, not after.
So the wrong phrase was chosen. No problem. Use another one that actually makes logical sense. Simple as that.
Quote from: Bryon on June 14, 2010, 04:37:50 PM"Cannot be prevented" can be interrupted. It is as simple as that."Cannot be interrupted" can be prevented."Cannot be interrupted" cannot be interrupted."Cannot be prevented" can be prevented?!?!?!?!?!?!It's not as simple as that. It's illogical. Period.
"Cannot be prevented" can be interrupted. It is as simple as that.