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I'd await more input, but I have always understood that you may choose whether it stays or not. So if you have Foreign Sword on Ishmaiah and you band to David, and Ishmaiah gets discarded, you can keep FS on David, or you can discard it with Ishmaiah to later recur it and put it on Ahimelek.
The way I've seen it played is that if:1 - a WC-enh is on a character in territory before entering battle, and that character is discarded, then the WC-enh follows it to the discard pile.2 - any enh is played in battle, and a character is removed but there are still other characters of the same brigade remaining, then the enh would stay in battle.
I believe the reason behind this is that the rule for enhancements to remain on a character in battle of matching brigade supersedes weapons following their holding.
Quote from: Gabe on May 17, 2013, 02:50:35 PM I believe the reason behind this is that the rule for enhancements to remain on a character in battle of matching brigade supersedes weapons following their holding.I believe you, but is there any way to know that from the existing REG and rulebook?
If a warrioris discarded or captured, or returned to hand, all weapon cards on the character are discarded. If a warrioris converted, weapons remain on the character.
Weapons may not be exchanged between characters and may only be moved to another characterin battle if the holder of the weapon is defeated and another warrior-class characteris in battle and able to hold the weapon.