Here's how it breaks down:
Zeal for the Lord is played, targeting Ahaz and some other character.
Korah's Rebellion is played, interrupting Zeal and targeting all cards in battle. Zeal cannot reactivate until KR completes.
Jordan Interrupted is played, interrupting KR. KR cannot reactivate (or complete activation) until JI completes.
Burning Incense is played, and JI is now complete.
KR reactivates, and it targets all cards in battle that it can (Ahaz and all enhancements, but not PoC which is ignoring it).
KR completed, but Zeal was removed from the game previous to it reactivating, so no characters targeted by it could be discarded.
The battle continues with PoC alone in battle, and if no other method for adding an EC to battle is used, and no dominant or Artifact stops the RA, then PoC gets a Lost Soul.