Author Topic: Two questions  (Read 1512 times)

Offline Xonathan

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Two questions
« on: June 28, 2019, 09:18:59 AM »

1. This is picture is from the 4th edition rule. I never read the line "Dominant card cannot be played [In battle resolution]" before. Does that mean interactions like playing mayhem after a death of the unrighteous or playing falling away before giving a lost soul doesn't work? Also, does battle resolution only start when an evil character is defeated or does it work for heroes as well? I tried finding another resource for how the phases work but couldn't so I'm assuming the 4th edition rule book is the current standard for how phases work.

2. Was there a new ruling for cards like Eternal Inheritance? I seem to remember something about only being able to win one battle or something. I was curious because I wonder if playing eternal inheritance and then Grapes of Wrath to start a new battle would work.
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Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: Two questions
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2019, 09:32:13 AM »
That was discussed earlier and brought to light two years ago I believe. The definition of battle resolution talks about losing a battle by the numbers and the amount of times each player passes imitative. A character losing a battle by the numbers who can not play anything, once that character is discarded the battle is immediately resolved. So cards like burial and CM were not working in battle anymore only in scenarios of special abilities killing an EC. So you could play a discard and your EC is discarded then you play FA or CM and not give up a lost soul. But if you discard your EC then play CM they get a lost soul then their hero goes back to territory and is then discarded. I believe the scenario that brought this up was choosing the blocker. Opponent would ctb and player would discard that EC then play burial, CM or whatever. No can do.

As for your next question I believe it was a game rule for making one rescue attempt per turn. So EI would go off, they can’t play or initiative passes and you play Grapes, I don’t think you could make another rescue, but I am not looking up the REG on my break at work.

Offline Xonathan

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Re: Two questions
« Reply #2 on: June 28, 2019, 09:44:04 AM »
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Offline Kor

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Re: Two questions
« Reply #3 on: June 28, 2019, 09:51:03 AM »
1.  I see this most come up when the evil character uses a ‘battle ends’ card.  As this takes you straight to battle resolution, it stops the opponent from using Angel of the Lord in response to still try to get the lost soul.
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Offline ChristianSoldier

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Re: Two questions
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2019, 01:52:42 PM »
1. Playing a card like Death of Unrighteous doesn't immediately move to battle resolution. Battle resolution only happens once both players decide they are done playing things, up to and including dominants or if an ability ends the battle. So normally you can play dominants after your characters are removed, so long as they were removed by special abilities.
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Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: Two questions
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2019, 03:34:55 PM »
I think the others have pretty much covered 1.

For 2, the short answer is that doesn't work. The longer answer:

Quote from: REG>Glossary>Rescue Attempt
A rescue attempt is the effort to recover a Lost Soul from the Land of Bondage by battle. A rescue attempt battle is initiated when a Hero is put in the Field of Battle. The battle is considered a rescue attempt if a Hero has access to a Lost Soul at any point in the battle. A player is allowed one rescue attempt per turn unless a card states otherwise. However, once a player has made a successful rescue attempt, they may not make another rescue attempt until each other player has had a turn.

If a rescue attempt is successful, a Lost Soul is surrendered or the rescue is insteaded. A rescue attempt is successful if the Hero(es) win the battle and have access to a Lost Soul, or if a card played in battle causes either result of a successful rescue to occur.

If a rescue attempt becomes successful in the middle of the battle, it continues as a battle challenge and no more Lost Souls can be rescued by cards played in battle for the remainder of the battle, including during battle resolution. Effects and game rules that trigger on a successful rescue attempt resolve at this point. Effects and game rules that trigger after a successful rescue attempt resolve as usual during battle resolution.

A rescue attempt has failed if at any point during the battle it was a rescue attempt and the rescue attempt is not successful.

If you successfully rescue, you can't rescue again. EI results in a successful rescue (that was changed after 2017 Nats), so you can't rescue again.

EI also turns the battle into a battle challenge prior to playing Grapes, and the new battle clause on Grapes only works if played during a rescue attempt.


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