Author Topic: toss , site questions etc  (Read 980 times)

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toss , site questions etc
« on: August 02, 2018, 11:01:27 PM »
Casting stones SA: Interrupt the battle. Reveal cards from the top of draw pile until 3 evil enhancements are revealed: You may toss any number or revealed evil enhancements , then shuffle the rest.

1/1 hero in a RA against an EC.

Hero plays a good enhancement with -1/-1 with SA "Discard an EC"

Hero discards EC in battle , but Hero is discarded because of toughness -1.

Q1. Does the rescuing player get the Lost Soul even though their Hero was discarded because of the -1 toughness on their own enhancement??

Q2.  Can a player take 2 different multi brigade sites into battle??  (example 1 dragon raid and 1 The ends of the earth??) or is it one site in the field of battle at a time??

Q3. If there is a side battle , is the original cards that were in battle still considered to be "in play" or in the field of battle? ( and not in the set aside area??)


Hero (with 2/3) is in battle with an EC.

Hero plays an enhancement with 1/1 numbers on it (now hero is 3/4)

Then EC plays casting stones and finds enhancements from top of deck and then tosses one enhancement with 3 strength and tosses it to decrease hero 3/3

Q4. Would the 1/1enhancement already played on the hero save the hero from being discarded by the toss??

Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: toss , site questions etc
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2018, 11:14:03 PM »
1. Characters with negative toughness due to Enhancements are discarded as the first step in battle resolution, so the Hero would not get the LS.

2. There are currently no rules limiting the number of Sites in battle.

3. Side battle cards create a 2nd battle in the Field of Battle, so all cards in both battles remain in the FoB. Ambush the City is probably the only "another battle" card that sets the original battle aside.

4. Numbers on Enhancements do not change the numbers of the Hero. So a Hero decreased to 0 or less toughness through it's own numbers (including other increase/decrease, experience credit, etc.) would be discarded even if there are numbers on Enhancements they are currently using.


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