I wanted to check to see if we played this correctly.
Player A has Solomon's Temple (2013) holding Lampstand in territory. He attacks with King Hezekiah/Isaiah. Player B blocks with Sanhedrin but does not band. Player B plays Stone of Thebez and discards Isaiah. Player B then plays Seek and Destroy to discard King Hezekiah. Player A or C (can't remember which) uses Solomon's Temple to discard a Teal card and keep King Hezekiah from being discarded. Player B then plays Shipwreck and negates/discards Solomon's Temple. We ruled that Seek and Destroy discards King Hezekiah.
* Random note: I just realized that Seek and Destroy was not needed to grant "Regardless of protection" to Shipwreck to stop Solomon's Temple, since Shipwreck's negate is not dependent on its discard. I.E., Shipwreck could negate Solomon's Temple (or Herod's Temple) even if Lampstand is active.