Author Topic: Throne of Grace , site and interrupt the battle questions.  (Read 777 times)

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Throne of Grace , site and interrupt the battle questions.
« on: June 24, 2018, 01:41:16 AM »
words of encouragment SA : Holder may interrupt the battle draw 3 and play next enhancement.

You will remain part of SA: If opponent uses an evil 'end the battle" ability you may begin a new battle.

The Throne of Grace SA:  If your human Hero is removed from battle by a SA on an opponent's evil card , you may discard a single-brigade good Enhancement from hand to negate that card.

Korah's Rebellion SA: Interrupt the battle and banish all cards in battle.

Lamhi's Spear SA: you may discard this card to discard a Hero

Spy part of SA: you may withdraw this Hero from battle.

Warriors Spear SA: discard the top card of opponent's deck.


Hero is in battle with an EC.   EC plays an evil enhancement  "Discard a hero in battle" 

EC attempts to discard Hero in battle.

Hero plays words of encouragment which interrupts the battle , draws 3 and does not choose to play the next enhancement.

1. After words of encouragment resolves and finshes , can the hero play another Interrupt the battle enhancement or do you only have 1 chance to negate or interrupt the evil enhancement with the discard ability in the example??

2.  Can a player add a site to battle at anytime during the battle phase as long as a special ability is not resolving??

Player A has You will remain active in territory and then goes for a RA against Player B.
Player B uses an evil end the battle ability and then Player A goes for a new battle.
Then Player B uses an EC ability that "negates and underdecks an artifact" in which they choose "You will remain " to target.

3. Does the new battle phase get undone or does the 2nd battle phase still remain even if YWR gets negated??

4.    Can the throne of grace negate any of the following abilites??
Korah's rebellion and/or Lahmi's Spear??

Assuming no because TTOG can only negate any evil card that is still in play after the evil card resolves.

5. If Spy has Warrior's spear on it and went into battle and then withdraws , does Warrior's spear still activate??

6. If Player A uses an ability that says "opponent must discard an evil card from hand" does opponent have to reveal their hand  if they have no evil cards to discard from hand??

Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: Throne of Grace , site and interrupt the battle questions.
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2018, 01:56:51 AM »
1. SI grants 1 shot, unless the negate is negated.

2. They have to control a Hero in battle, but otherwise yes.

3. I'd rule that "begin a new battle" completes to begin the new battle phase, so the new battle remains.

4. Sounds right to me.

5. Yes.

6. Yes.

Offline Bobbert

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Re: Throne of Grace , site and interrupt the battle questions.
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2018, 02:00:02 AM »
1. Until the play is complete, Words of  Encouragement's interrupt is still in effect, so you can play any enhancement (including interrupts/negates). That said, you only get special initiative once per enhancement - if WoE plays something that doesn't win the battle or stop the discard, then after that completes the discard kicks in again and you already used special initiative, so you can't interrupt.

2. Yes, the rescuing player can add sites to battle at any time, as long as there are no pending abilities.

3. I'm not certain on this one. If I had to guess, the battle would continue, to avoid infinite loop arguments.

4. I believe you are correct about Throne of Grace but I'm.not certain - it might work like special initiative.

5. Yes. This has been a combo for a while.

6. Yes, they must reveal to prove they have no valid targets.

Beaten to it by Aggie.
ANB is good. Change my mind.


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