Author Topic: Things need to be updated.  (Read 1219 times)

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Things need to be updated.
« on: July 13, 2009, 01:07:06 PM »
Due to the recent rulings/confusion of older cards being changed and not changed there needs to be an update in the REG of how cards play. This needs to happen before nationals.
We can not have confusion about rulings and wordings before the biggest tournament of the year. I am sure most agree with me that if you ask a question at nationals and one judge comes over and rules on it that you can ask the same quesiton the next round and if you get a different judge, then you get a different answer. This has happened many times so please do not come on here and say, when has that ever happened? Because I have seen it happen plenty of times. The judges need to be informed and have the REG updated before nationals. If they do not know the ruling then they should go to the REG and look it up. If it is not in the REG then the time should stop for that game and the judges should come together and rule upon for the time being. After the tournament the judges/playtesters should get together and decide on a final outcome for the situation and post it in the REG, then on the boards to let everyone know of the change. Important rulings should not just happen and not be known to the community.
To wrap things up, I think that if a ruling happens that the player/judge disagree on then the rest pof the judges should come over and rule upon it then and it stays like that for the remainder of the tournament. After the tournament it can be changed in the REG and then posted on the board. My main concern is that the REG be updated before nationals and we get an official ruling on questions that are still awaiting an answer.


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