New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
Adding on to this (As it came up in a game between the two of us)If The Testimony actually IS nothing but a long identifier, does the permanent increase work in FBTN?The Testimony (Ki)Type: Hero Enh. • Brigade: Blue • Ability: * / * • Class: None • Special Ability: Selected Hero gains 7 ability points to be distributed as holder chooses until Hero is discarded. Distribution must be announced when played. • Errata: (Treat special ability as an identifier.) • Identifiers: None • Verse: II Kings 11:12 • Availability: Kings booster packs (Common)
In regards to Profalstad's question, it says "gains 7 points", and I don't believe negative numbers are "gains", so I don't think that would work. Though it would be cool if it did .