New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
Type: Fortress • Brigade: None • Ability: None • Class: None • Special Ability: If opponent has a redeemed Lost Soul, then Salome, Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Peter, John, and Mary the mother of James ignore all evil brigades that do not have at least two Characters in play. • Attributes: Empty! • Identifiers: NT, Empty! • Verse: Mark 16:1 • Availability: Rock of Ages (Set 19)
OpponentAn opponent is any other player in the game. However, the word opponent can be specific or general: “Opponent”, “your opponent’”, or “opponent's” means the other player whose character is fighting your character in battle. However, “an opponent”, “any opponent”, “one opponent”, “opponents' ”, or “each opponent” is any player in the game other than you.
what he is asking is, if you present trembling demon ok? and sence trembling says. if ther are no good enhancments played this battle. then wouldnt the battle end? and... trembling demon lives?
Man, TGT is getting easier and easier to beat
Quote from: Cameron the Conqueror on March 16, 2009, 10:39:05 PMSpam alert. That has nothing to do with the thread, and is therefore spam. QuoteMan, TGT is getting easier and easier to beatThat's what I though until I picked up Woman as Snares. sorry i didnt know that was spam. but can you do that with trembling demon?? it kinda makes sence... in a way. cause no good enh is played then wouldnt the battle end?
Spam alert. That has nothing to do with the thread, and is therefore spam. QuoteMan, TGT is getting easier and easier to beatThat's what I though until I picked up Woman as Snares.
If a character is ignored, it can neither voluntarily nor forcibly enter the Field of Battle
SJsharks enters battle with salome i block with trembling demon ok? but sence thers not any good enh played in that battle cause trembling demon is being ignored. wouldnt it make it to wher no lost souls are rescued? and trembling demon doesnt die because he goes back to teritory sence he is being ignored?
but you cant be ignored untill you enter battle. cause abilitys dont activate till you do enter battle right?