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When in doubt, check the Reg:Play As: If blocking, you may choose to have your opponent capture this card to search your deck for a human Evil Character and add to battle the Evil Character.
Anything in the land of bondage that is not a site or placed enhancement is a lost soul. Period. Way it's always been done and that's how it works.
Land of Bondage is an area in the Field of Play. The Land of Bondage can hold Lost Souls, occupied sites, captured Heroes and captured Evil Characters. See Player’s Card Arrangement.
Demon's are an exceptional case, and Raider's Camp is not located in the land of bondage.Under the restrictions of: is human, and is located in the land of bondage, every single rule points to it being a lost soul. There is no precedence for anything else. The play as is a simple clarification so that discussions like this don't need to take place.
The statement Tim quoted is from the entry on Capture abilities. It's only referencing a card that places a character directly into a Land of Bondage, like TaS or Cupbearer. It doesn't say anything about characters placed on other cards in a Land of Bondage so they are not included.
(If I could -1 my own post for mentioning Split Altar I would).
While I believe that REG entry is accurate, it's obviously not the most clearly stated. Browarod, thank you for offering a solution.