Samaritan Water Jar (Artifact) : Discard this card to reveal the top 3 card of an opponent's deck (or 9 if a Samaritan Hero is in play)
and set them aside. Put Lost Souls in play instead. When that deck has no cards, return those cards from set aside to deck.
Treasures of War (PG/C/B Evil Territory class Enhancement): Place in territory: You may discard this card to negate and discard an Artifact or the last Artifact activated. Cannot be negated if a brown hero is in play.
THE Scenerio: Someone plays SWJ and discards it. Can ToW negate SWJ if its already been discarded? Could it negate it a round later? (Negate and discard the last Artifact activated?) Or both?
Let me know what ya think. CountFount and I came across this little gem while discussing the merits of SWJ and realized this might be a good card to have against it.
Very curious to see how this works.