Author Topic: Sinning Hand  (Read 8034 times)


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Re: Sinning Hand
« Reply #50 on: November 17, 2009, 07:35:19 PM »
I still think this ruling makes absolutely no logical sense at all. I realize it makes sense from a ruling perspective: if everything is consistent it's easier to rule on; but common sense wise it falls flat. Why would you intentionally create cards with effects like this, that go completely against logic, as you say they did with the Assyrian one?

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Re: Sinning Hand
« Reply #51 on: November 17, 2009, 07:38:39 PM »
Logic is not a requirement for Fun & Fellowship.  ;D
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Re: Sinning Hand
« Reply #52 on: November 17, 2009, 07:43:28 PM »
Logic is not a requirement for Fun & Fellowship.  ;D
It is for me, I'm the kind of person that has the most fun when everything makes sense ;)

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Re: Sinning Hand
« Reply #53 on: November 17, 2009, 08:32:08 PM »

Why would you intentionally create cards with effects like this, that go completely against logic, as you say they did with the Assyrian one?

These rules have logic behind them, you are just struggling to understand the logic behind them.  (It's kinda like those optical illusions that have two pictures, once you see one sometimes it's really hard to get your mind to not see that one any more and see the other one).

As far as the design of the specific cards:

In the Assyrian case we wanted to make a card that works with Assyrians and is better the more Assyrians you have.  If the card works well when you have no Assyrians, then it defeats the goal of the card.

In the Sinning Hand case, it is very rare to see a player with less than two cards in hand, much less for them to have less than two cards in hand while in battle against an orange defense that has initiative and has Sinning Hand ready to play.  The frequency of this boundary case happening in normal play is rare enough that we're not going to balance the card around how it works in the boundary case.  In 99.99% of cases Sinning Hand is played against a hand of at least 3 cards and works just fine.

(I'm technically not a playtester and I didn't have significant involvement in designing either of these specific cards, but I do know the playtesters and the process well enough to be confident in these statements.)


Tim "Sir Nobody" Maly


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Re: Sinning Hand
« Reply #54 on: November 17, 2009, 09:09:40 PM »
I understand that the Assyrian one is for Assyrians, using it outside that strategy would be stupid as it could just be negated, it just confused me why there wasn't something like "If played by an Assyrian" rather than this complicated negation strategy to tie it into an Assyrian strategy (other than to make it better with more Assyrians).

As for Sinning Hand, I know you're right, I just found it strange that balance would be left up to chance (albeit it a very low chance of backfiring). Not that this is bad, just interesting :P

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Re: Sinning Hand
« Reply #55 on: November 18, 2009, 12:46:24 PM »
So, are you saying that "discard" means different things depending on if it is a cost or a benefit?

As Tim said, either they need to be treated the same or differently.  Rob+playtesters decided to treat them the same.  If it is possible to have a discard ability discard zero cards as a benefit, then it is possible as a cost as well.

No I'm saying discard should mean the same thing in any case, moving cards from your hand, play or territory to your discard pile.  If one can not do said action (moving cards to the discard pile) than you can't have the benefit (negating sinning hand). 

Isn't it easier to say "discard zero cards" is possible in both cases?  Why is ET/Authority "discard all evil characters in play" possible when there are no ECs in play, while "discard all evil characters in play to draw a card" is not possible if there are no evil characters in play?

ET/AOC: if no evil characters are in play you've just wasted your play in discarding nothing so there for its not possible.  That being said you can still play(I.E move a card form your hand to play) it but it does nothing

"discard all evil characters in play to draw a card":  If there are no EC in play you can't draw a card but, you can still move the card form your hand to play but it does nothing

HOWEVER, if a NUMBER is given as a cost, then that cost MUST be payed in order to get the benefit.  So, if you are told to pay 5, then 5 and only 5 is the cost you must pay.  If you are told to pay the top card, then you MUST discard a top card.  If you don't have one, you don't get the benefit.  If you are told to discard zero cards, you can discard zero cards.

I'm say you can't have some thing for nothing if a card says "discard all evil characters in play to draw a card" I MUST be able to discard at lest 1 EC to draw a card.  If I can't discard at lest 1 I can't draw a card.

To summe up I'm saying cost/benefit cards have a check like "if one or more EC are in play you may discard until there are none left in play when there are none left in play than you may draw a card"
« Last Edit: November 18, 2009, 01:41:29 PM by Soundman2 »
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Re: Sinning Hand
« Reply #56 on: November 27, 2009, 04:19:41 PM »
I basically agree with this.  I have also thought that the key was the definition of discard. 

I understand that you can have zero cards, half of zero is zero, your hand or deck can be zero cards etc.  I don't disagree with the logic or math in those arguments.

The problem for me is that discard is an action word and if nothing happened then you can't logically say that the action happened.  Running 0 miles is the same as not running; it didn't happen.  So it is possible for your hand to be 0 and it is possible to discard your hand which could be zero but if it is zero then no discarding actually happened so any condition that requires the discard to happen is not met. 

So, are you saying that "discard" means different things depending on if it is a cost or a benefit?

Isn't it easier to say "discard zero cards" is possible in both cases?  Why is ET/Authority "discard all evil characters in play" possible when there are no ECs in play, while "discard all evil characters in play to draw a card" is not possible if there are no evil characters in play?

As Tim said, either they need to be treated the same or differently.  Rob+playtesters decided to treat them the same.  If it is possible to have a discard ability discard zero cards as a benefit, then it is possible as a cost as well.

I don't think cost and benefit should be considered the same here.  If someone commands me to run 0 miles, I can do nothing and obey that command.  But if I have to run miles in order to burn calories, I cannot run 0 miles and still expect to lose weight.  It can be a variable cost (some people have to run more than others) but I can't do nothing and get the benefit that comes from doing something.

A hypothetical scenario:  I have previously placed Abomination into my opponent's territory.  I make a rescue attempt with my only hero.  My opponent blocks and has initiative.  They play a new enhancement that makes my hero have no brigade for the rest of the turn (demonic blockade? already does this to sites).  They still have initiative and band in Emperor Vitellius.  Because x = 0 they get to draw 0 cards.  Do I still get to discard one of my choice from Abomination?  Clearly they can draw 0 cards but I don't see how my condition (cost) is met so I can discard.  For Abomination the important part seems to be that fact that they drew cards not how many they drew. 

I understand that the Assyrian card was probably written with your idea in mind but we have had conflicting ideas in the game before and I don't think it would actually be a problem for that card to resolve the game this way.


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