Author Topic: Sea of Souls, Sea of Stars  (Read 1100 times)

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Sea of Souls, Sea of Stars
« on: July 05, 2019, 05:21:00 PM »
Two questions:

The Sea of Glass: Each Draw Phase, after you draw 3 cards, you may draw 1 or underdeck those 3 cards to draw 3.

A. Do Lost Souls go into play before the redraw?
B. Do Star abilities activate before the redraw?

I've always understood Sea of Glass's underdeck 3 to draw 3 as something of an "instead" draw, but it's certainly not an actual instead. You do draw those cards, and by natural draw. By that understanding, then, the Souls would go into play, and the Stars would activate.
Is this correct?
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Offline Kevinthedude

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Re: Sea of Souls, Sea of Stars
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2019, 06:13:18 PM »
Yes to A and B. Souls always go in play before anything else happens and in this case, you would get the star abilities of the first 3 cards drawn no matter which option you choose on Sea. Assuming I'm not missing something that opens up some interesting interactions where star cards reserve or underdeck themselves.


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