New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
Same Art + Same Title = same card. This is true for ALL characters and enhancements. See King of Tyrus (Gold vs. Orange). See also Gibeonite Trickery (brown vs. black).Same Title + Same Brigade = same card. This is true for enhancements and UNIQUE characters. See Gabriel (Warriors vs Disciples). See also Ointment (Warriors? vs. Deck C?)
Red Dragon, Beast from the Earth, Beast from the Sea, Goliath- no-SA versions (limit 3 in T1) vs. SA versions (1 per 50 in T1)
Quote from: RedemptionAggie on August 30, 2011, 08:57:27 PMRed Dragon, Beast from the Earth, Beast from the Sea, Goliath- no-SA versions (limit 3 in T1) vs. SA versions (1 per 50 in T1)This one I know, since I remember seeing it ruled back in the Warriors days.You can have 1 with special ability and 2 without. That way it satisfies both rules.
Since the art and card title are the same, I'd say that the cards are the same.
But since the card type is different, I am not sure.
Can I play Goat with Horn on The Goat with Horn?
Even though it is the same art, one is a character class, and one is an enhancement class. Because they are from different classes they are not considered to be duplicate cards.