A player was blocking with Emperor Nero is "immune" to lone heros. The person making the rescue attempt was using enhancements that was affecting other things on the table, not Emperor Nero, and had constant initiative. At one point they drew a card that had the ability "Negate, and discard an evil card" They said that they had the ability to negate and discard Emperor Nero. I did not think that this was right because the person attacking Emperor Nero was a "lone hero" hence I did not necessarily believe that the immunity could be interrupted and/or negated since it was only a lone hero. They told me that the rules for Emperor Nero had been updated to say that since Emperor Nero did not say can not be interrupted or cannot be negated, that it therefore could be. I ruled with what the person said assuming that this was a new ruling. However, I came home tonight, and I checked out the REG, and I do not see evidence to support this ruling. What I do see is that Emperor Hero was being blocked by a lone hero, and immunity and negate definitions according to the REG do not allow for this to be negated by a lone hero. Can someone please clarify. Thanks