Author Topic: Ruben’s Torn Clothes and Garden Tomb  (Read 1161 times)

Offline robm

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Ruben’s Torn Clothes and Garden Tomb
« on: March 18, 2021, 08:38:56 PM »
Rubens torn clothes - Negate all evil immunity. All Genesis Heroes ignore and evil bridge of your choice.

Garden Tomb - .... ignore all evil Bridges that do not have at least two characters in play.

So I still have decks build around these cards from when we played a lot back in 2010-2012.

I realize they are not in use much anymore due to the rule change . However I am trying to better understand the change, so sorry if this has been addressed numerous times in the past.

Does RTC played Jacob before opponents enters battle still get you a pre-block ignore? Or does an evil character of that selected bridge still get to enter battle.

Is there any reason to play it after an evil character is in battle? From what I read it basically leads to a stalemate and is thus pointless to use this way ( unless you want to keep your hero from being discarded)

The Garden Tomb.. I build this deck from my wife back in the day. Does It still provide you any auto Lost soul wins or is it another card that no longer has any value?

Thanks everyone and again I understand this May seem like old news for some but I’m just making sure I understand the new way ignore works.

God Bless,
Rob M

Ps I also understand I may want to just deconstruct these decks lol.

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Re: Ruben’s Torn Clothes and Garden Tomb
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2021, 09:06:13 PM »
So basically, the first nerf to ignore was that characters in hands cannot be ignored, so pre-block RTC would still allow your opponent to block with an EC of the chosen brigade from hand. Once the EC is in battle is where the more recent change comes in. Instead of the ignoring character winning the battle, it is a stalemate, as you mentioned. What did not change is that ignored characters still cannot enter battle, so pre-block RTC could still be good if you know your opponent has no ECs in hand. Probably not reliable enough to merit it's inclusion in a deck though unless you're running some sort of hand control alongside it.

Offline robm

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Re: Ruben’s Torn Clothes and Garden Tomb
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2021, 11:21:15 PM »
Thanks Jayden. I did not know about blocking from hand. It makes a lot more sense, now that I know that.


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