Author Topic: Regarding interrupting negation (Re-Opened: Elders, is this now ruled?)  (Read 22546 times)

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Re: Regarding interrupting negation (Re-Opened: Elders, is this now ruled?)
« Reply #200 on: April 26, 2012, 08:12:47 PM »
For clarities sake, Sirnobody's argument said that Net would NOT reactivate but that the capture WOULD still happen.  The idea is that it doesn't need to reactivate because the original activation is valid. 

See, that's what I've been arguing, but the ruling has come down unless a different elder has something to add.  I understand the reactivation not being able to happen, but I would like clarification that Negate does require reactivation, which is not currently the case per the rules or the REG.

And Pol, I agree.  But unless it is worded correctly, we'll have these problems.


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