Author Topic: Raiders camp in Multi  (Read 3943 times)

Offline DrowningFish

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Raiders camp in Multi
« on: June 16, 2014, 01:27:33 AM »
If I have two different heroes one from player A and one from Player b in my Raiders Camp. And Player b makes a successful rescue attempt do I give just his captured hero back or player A's too?
I know all means all but just clarifying

Raiders Camp
If your human Evil Character captures a Hero, place it here. When opponent makes a successful rescue attempt or battle challenge, instead of surrendering a Lost Soul, release all Heroes from here back to owner. Does not count as redeemed soul.
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Offline ChristianSoldier

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Re: Raiders camp in Multi
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2014, 01:37:43 AM »
Yes, both players will get their characters back.
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Offline Redoubter

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Re: Raiders camp in Multi
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2014, 06:46:15 AM »
Hmm.  By a technical reading of the card, if you are not in battle then all opponents are "opponent" and therefore it should be that any of them making a successful rescue or BC at all would clear Camp.  Now, I honestly don't know why you'd want to run Raider's Camp in any multi category, since that means no one comes at you and you can't control souls, but that's another issue.

I know that is not the status quo, but it is an interesting thought experiment.  Other input on that?


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Re: Raiders camp in Multi
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2014, 09:22:22 AM »
I believe you actually have it backwards. In multi, unless you're in battle, "opponent" doesn't specifically refer to any player (unless you choose one for a special ability to target). TGT, for example, is only active if its holder is actively in battle, Player 1's TGT doesn't let Player 2's Peter ignore evil brigades while in battle with Player 3. I would think Raiders' Camp would work the same way (RC's controller would need to be in battle for it to have an "opponent").

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Re: Raiders camp in Multi
« Reply #4 on: June 16, 2014, 11:27:10 AM »
If I have two different heroes one from player A and one from Player b in my Raiders Camp. And Player b makes a successful rescue attempt do I give just his captured hero back or player A's too?

I agree with the others that all heroes in RC are released at the same time, regardless of who owns them (hence the wording of "owner").

Hmm.  By a technical reading of the card, if you are not in battle then all opponents are "opponent" and therefore it should be that any of them making a successful rescue or BC at all would clear Camp.

This is something that needs to ultimately be defined once you become an Elder.  ;)

I have always been under the impression that "opponent" only refers to who you are in battle against (as bro-ay-rod stated). RC would have to say "an" opponent for it to work as you are suggesting.
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Offline Redoubter

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Re: Raiders camp in Multi
« Reply #5 on: June 16, 2014, 05:38:44 PM »
In multi, unless you're in battle, "opponent" doesn't specifically refer to any player (unless you choose one for a special ability to target).

That's not true, it specifically refers to the the one person you are facing in battle if you are, but if not, it refers to opponents in general.  For example, it has been ruled that TGT provides the ignore to characters in territory, meaning it must be active outside the battle phase.  This is only possible if opponent can be used out of the battle phase as a general term for any opposing player.

TGT, for example, is only active if its holder is actively in battle, Player 1's TGT doesn't let Player 2's Peter ignore evil brigades while in battle with Player 3.

Not true, it does allow that specifically to occur, for the same reason that TGT provides the ignore-immunity to characters in territory while not in battle.

I am not saying we should change the ruling on this card.  I am saying that there is inconsistency with the application of the words used and the rulings.

Oh, and just saying that the others are all at least right that ALL heroes are released ;)  "Any means any and all means all, so sayeth CactusRob.  Amen."


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Re: Raiders camp in Multi
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2014, 10:20:34 AM »
I have played Multi as my primary category for many years and it has consistently been ruled that TGT only has an "opponent" when its controller is actively in battle. That thread you linked is new to me, and since only one elder posted I don't think that's sufficient to change the status quo? (this is the part of the elder system that I've never quite understood)

I found this thread from 2009 where Bryon agrees with YMT and myself, and this thread also from 2009 where Schaef agrees and there's even a REG quote. I checked the current REG and confirmed that the quote is consistent. From the "Opponent" entry of the REG: 'During the Battle Phase, however, the specific “opponent”, “your opponent’”, or “opponent's” means the other player engaging you in battle.' (p. 123)

So at this point Professoralstad's post from the thread you linked looks to be incorrect based on the information available and past precedent. Does that mean he's wrong? Not necessarily. But if he IS correct that would be a change and it should be confirmed as official and the REG updated accordingly.

To bring this back to the original topic, Raiders' Camp's "opponent" is specific to the opposing player of RC's controller during the battle phase so it would only empty if a player makes a successful battle against RC's holder.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2014, 03:40:12 PM by browarod »

Offline Redoubter

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Re: Raiders camp in Multi
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2014, 06:56:50 PM »
Can only someone actively engaged with you in battle discard a fortress to get rid of Iron Pan?

Can no one instead the discard on Judge's Seat?

Does Pharaoh's Court not negate all good OT ignore not used by you?

Does Pharaoh's Throne Room only negate ignore on heroes if you are actively engaged in battle?

Can you not actually discard from deck with Beheaded if played as TC?

That definition you give for "opponent" does not include all of its uses.  You may be able to argue with some of the situations above, but it is obvious that the term is not exclusive to the battle phase on all cards.  Cards are printed with the ability to act against 'an opponent' or 'opponents' while the word used is "opponent."

I have played Multi as my primary category for many years and it has consistently been ruled that TGT only has an "opponent" when its controller is actively in battle.

T2 Multi at Nats last year disagrees with that assessment.  We may need to get some Elders involved here, but it is clear that "opponent" does not meet that narrow definition.  It can't, or certain cards would not work.  There is always going to be flexibility with terms used, that's a given.

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Re: Raiders camp in Multi
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2014, 07:40:05 PM »
This just exemplifies the need for a better Elder system. Why are we debating this, with no Elder input?

As I stated in my earlier post on this thread, Redoubter will need to make cleaner definitions once he is promoted. In the meantime, the REG distinguishes what "opponent" means during the Battle Phase. Redoubter has shown several examples of cards that were poorly worded to contradict this existing definition when used outside the Battle Phase. As others have stated in different threads, the wording of those cards either did not consider the effects of multiplayer, or were designed with a different idea of what "opponent" means outside the Battle Phase. This inconsistency is very frustrating.

However, this would not affect the ruling on Raider's Camp, since its ability only triggers in the Battle Phase, where existing rules for "opponent" are clearly defined.
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Offline Redoubter

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Re: Raiders camp in Multi
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2014, 09:46:46 PM »
Why are we debating this, with no Elder input?

Well, I don't think that the rule on this one will change.  I also don't think it should.  So probably, the silence is just giving that support.

On the "opponent" debate, I agree it needs clarity, but I don't fault anyone for not posting yet, since I feel this is a huge undertaking to redefine and it does have a definition in place that covers almost all cards.  I also don't believe anything will ever be done to make it so one person is able to define the rules in a more reasonable manner by that one person's opinion, there is a collective of great people here for that.

I suppose every system with problems feels like it could use a Cincinnatus every now and then, but hopefully that isn't needed for Redemption ;)


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Re: Raiders camp in Multi
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2014, 10:38:16 AM »
The quote I provided was the PART of the definition of "opponent" that had to deal with the discussion at hand, RC during the battle phase. In all the examples you posted I would rule that only a player you are actively in battle with would count as the "opponent" for their abilities during the battle phase. If I have Iron Pan up and 2 of my opponents are in battle, I would rule that neither of them could discard a fortress to get rid of it during the Battle Phase.

The full REG entry on opponents (minus the part on "opponent's card" clarification) is as follows:
Quote from: Reg definition of opponent
An opponent is any other player in the game. However, the word opponent can be specific or general. Normally, when a single opponent is indicated, the player may select any other player and target him or his cards. “Opponents' ” or “each opponent” refers to all other players in the game.

During the Battle Phase, however, the specific “opponent”, “your opponent’”, or “opponent's” means the other player engaging you in battle. The general “an opponent”, “any opponent”, or “one opponent” can still be selected by the player.

I see no "flexibility" here to rule it any other way. As I said before, this could be different now, but if so then the REG should be updated to the correct definition.

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Re: Raiders camp in Multi
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2014, 10:50:10 AM »
The quote I provided was the PART of the definition of "opponent"...

LOL. Don't do that!  ;)

If I have Iron Pan up and 2 of my opponents are in battle, I would rule that neither of them could discard a fortress to get rid of it during the Battle Phase.

Although this is technically true, I still find this may be confusing to new players. It will, of course, make them more aware of what needs to be done before beginning a battle, but having the same word mean different things depending on the Phase seems counterproductive.

With that said, I'm not sure what the best answer is, so the current definition will have to do.  :-\
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Re: Raiders camp in Multi
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2014, 11:10:44 AM »
I'll admit that having a difference for the Battle Phase is a bit odd, even though I feel that it's the most balanced way to handle it. It requires more strategic play from the players outside the battle if they want to interfere or assist with one side or the other. I'm all for increasing strategy, though not necessarily at the cost of confusing new/casual players.


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Re: Raiders camp in Multi
« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2014, 11:03:04 PM »
I've felt for a while now that the definition of "opponent" should be changed to mean any possible opponent at the table. The difference between "opponent's" and "opponents'" is already middling, and it doesn't really change all that much except help give players a bit more control of their destiny in Multi.

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Re: Raiders camp in Multi
« Reply #14 on: June 19, 2014, 12:04:07 AM »
Redoubter is correct in his understanding of how opponent works.

However, Chris is probably right that we should change the definition.


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Re: Raiders camp in Multi
« Reply #15 on: June 19, 2014, 09:32:25 AM »
Redoubter is correct in his understanding of how opponent works.

However, Chris is probably right that we should change the definition.
I'm slightly confused because Chris is saying that the definition should be changed and Redoubter is saying that the definition is already changed? What, exactly, is the current definition of "opponent" if the REG entry is incorrect?


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Re: Raiders camp in Multi
« Reply #16 on: June 19, 2014, 01:20:16 PM »
Redoubter is correct in his understanding of how opponent works.

However, Chris is probably right that we should change the definition.
I'm slightly confused because Chris is saying that the definition should be changed and Redoubter is saying that the definition is already changed? What, exactly, is the current definition of "opponent" if the REG entry is incorrect?

My argument is that "opponent," even in the singular, should refer to any and all opponents at the table even during a battle.

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Re: Raiders camp in Multi
« Reply #17 on: June 19, 2014, 02:17:57 PM »
So we are changing the official definition of opponent for next season?  Is there any additional Elder support for such a change?
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Re: Raiders camp in Multi
« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2014, 02:24:19 PM »
So we are changing the official definition of opponent for next season?  Is there any additional Elder support for such a change?

Let's not get ahead of ourselves...before we "change" anything, we should probably nail down exactly what it is right now. I believe both Redoubter and Browarod made some valid points and personally I want to look at everything closer before commenting--contrary to popular belief, there's at least one Elder other than RDT who is keeping an eye on this thread...  ;)
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

Offline DrowningFish

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Re: Raiders camp in Multi
« Reply #19 on: June 19, 2014, 02:29:42 PM »
Thank you for active elders ;)
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Offline YourMathTeacher

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Re: Raiders camp in Multi
« Reply #20 on: June 19, 2014, 04:42:01 PM »
So we are changing the official definition of opponent for next season?  Is there any additional Elder support for such a change?

Let's not get ahead of ourselves...before we "change" anything, we should probably nail down exactly what it is right now. I believe both Redoubter and Browarod made some valid points and personally I want to look at everything closer before commenting--contrary to popular belief, there's at least one Elder other than RDT who is keeping an eye on this thread...  ;)


As usual, any problems (real or imagined) that I have encountered in person or here on the Boards were probably caused/created by me in the first place. I apologize if I have caused any offense to the Elders. I will shut up now. (And all the people rejoiced!)
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Offline Redoubter

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Re: Raiders camp in Multi
« Reply #21 on: June 19, 2014, 07:16:00 PM »
I think that opponent should be ANY and ALL opponents, except for when it specifically targets a player or their cards.

For example:  "If opponent has a redeemed soul..." means anyone at the table.

Or: "Negate and discard opponents'..." means everyone at the table.

BUT: "Negate and discard opponent's..." means ONLY one person, because there is a target, and if you are involved in a battle phase it must be the person with whom you are having that battle.

So, definition time.  My suggested wording is below.

An opponent is any other player in the game. The word opponent can be specific or general, though. When a single opponent is indicated, the player may select any other player for the ability. “Opponents' ” or “each opponent” refers to all other players in the game.

When a player is involved in a battle during the Battle Phase, however, any ability that specifically targets card(s) or a player and uses the singular, then “opponent”, “your opponent’”, or “opponent's” means only the other player engaging you in battle. The general “an opponent”, “any opponent”, or “one opponent” can still be selected by the player, and if the ability does not target cards or a player, it may refer to any player as normal.

Several cards in Redemption® refer to “opponent’s cards” (e.g., opponent’s Heroes). For a card to be considered an “opponent’s card”, that player must be the owner of the card as well as have control of the card.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2014, 07:18:09 PM by Redoubter »

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Re: Raiders camp in Multi
« Reply #22 on: June 21, 2014, 12:49:23 PM »
l like Redoubter's definition and I think it should be updated in the REG. I would point out that according to the REG, browarod was correct in his conclusions, but it seems that definition was not detailed enough to account for certain card wordings and was thus in need of revamping. I thought we had had a discussion on the "who is my opponent" issue on the playtester/Elder side of the board awhile ago, but either I am remembering incorrectly or I missed it when going through the pages.

For the most cards, I believe it is easy to understand when someone is an opponent (i.e. I use Judge's Seat on your EC, you are the opponent, not Player 3 so he can't instead it). However, other cards like The Garden Tomb are a little trickier.

Would Redoubter and/or browarod be willing to list some examples of the different uses? Basically I think it's going to be easiest for people to determine what cards apply when if we have some "categories" in place with clear examples.
Fortress Alstad
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Have you looked it up in ORCID?


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Re: Raiders camp in Multi
« Reply #23 on: June 21, 2014, 11:29:34 PM »
I did some research with the Visualizer on cards that have the word "opponent" and can be active outside of battle AND in battle (so everything except the I/J cards and tin 26 and filtering out characters and enhancements). Any TC enhancements played outside battle would fall under the "selectable" option of Redoubter's suggested change.

All Lost Souls and Covenants speak of each, any, or an opponent and are not specific. Curses Unknown Nation and Madness specify "If opponent's Hero is in battle" so under Redoubter's suggestion that would be confirmed (as is the current status) to be only a player you are actively in battle with.

All Sites, except Roman Prison, Jericho, and Pharaoh's Court, refer to non-specific opponent. RP and Jer refer to blocking battles at those sites and so inherently refer to the opponent in battle with the holder. Pharaoh's Court was brought up as an example earlier and currently would only prevent ignore abilities on an opponent's cards that was directly in battle with PC's controller. Under Redoubter's suggestion I'm not sure if this would count as "specifically targeting cards or opponents" and be singular, or whether it would be non-specific.

Gates of Jerusalem, Pharaoh's Throne Room (as brought up before), Raiders' Camp (that this thread is about), and Satan's Seat all specify "opponent's" something and under the current definition would only be a player actively in battle against a controller. As with the Sites above, I'm not entirely sure with Redoubter's suggestion if they specifically target something or not so I don't know if they would be treated differently (I assume he intended them to since his stance was that TGT/etc, shouldn't be specific to an opponent).

TGT, as specified before, just says "if opponent" so that's unclear at this point.

Iron Pan says "opponent" so under the current definition only a player actively in battle with IP's controller could discard it during the battle phase. Again, not sure about Redoubter's change.

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Re: Raiders camp in Multi
« Reply #24 on: June 22, 2014, 12:14:15 AM »
My definition would treat TGT's opponent as any, as there is no targeting, only a condition being checked.

Iron Pan would be similar as a condition ("did one discard a fortress?"), but unfortunately where we start to see the breakdown in the definitions:  Technically, the discard of the fortress is from Iron Pan (for example, you cannot discard your fortress if it is protected from that player in general), and thus there is a target, even if it is part of that condition check.

I use these two examples to highlight what the general-opponent use could do, but how there are problems with this (and any) definition.  I'm interested in hearing others' opinions on how this could be solved.


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