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I've finished the first draft of the Cheat Sheet I've been working on. It's probably missing some stuff, and a few of the sections could probably use some fleshing out (like restrict and the battle outcome section). I'm not trying to make a new REG here, so this should be only the most important stuff for people (especially hosts/judges) to reference (Quick-Reference, and all, lol). I may or may not end up making a separate document with individual cards and their rulings/changes Please let me know anything that's not there that I should add, as well as anything that's either not explained enough or explained weirdly and any suggestions for improvement. I included actual card examples for many of the abilities.The file, in 2 formats, for your perusing pleasure:PDF FormatDOCX Format**This does NOT yet have Elder approval, so it should NOT be considered an official document, though pretty much everything in it is either from the REG or Elder posts here.**Things to be added:-Section on game rule changes-->Hand limit-->Demons cannot be redeemed
"Cannot block" and "cannot be block by" are both other outdated forms of ignore as well.I'll edit with more if I notice things. Thanks for doing this! It'll definitely help out newer players.
I thought it was still possible to ignore oneself...
Thank you for taking the time to do this. Is there a place you can post that so it's more front and center?
EDIT: I'm debating whether instead abilities should be included.
Quote from: browarod on June 29, 2011, 02:53:29 AMEDIT: I'm debating whether instead abilities should be included.Yes please, that would help a lot of my new players.
The main bit of confusion I've seen is that the original ability is not carried out.
The main issue I've seen is Martyr on a hero in battle. Thanks to the prevalence of healing abilities, several players (top-ranked ones too) think that HT will return the hero to territory.