Author Topic: Questions about Protection of Angels and enhancements  (Read 1100 times)


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Questions about Protection of Angels and enhancements
« on: April 13, 2009, 02:56:54 AM »
Hey folks. First, a couple questions about Protection of Angels.

Protection of Angels is a silver enhancement, 2/3, "Interrupt the battle and protect all Heroes in play and set-aside areas from evil cards until end of turn."

Here's the situation. My opponent attacked with Gabriel, and I blocked with Egyptian Archers, in which I then killed Michael, who was in his territory. Then I banded in another evil character (the specific one is irrelevant). He had initiative after I banded, so he plays Protection of Angels. Now, here are the questions:

1) The card says "protect all heroes in play and set-aside areas..." Now, Michael is no longer in play when he plays the card, but the card does interrupt the battle. Does the protection extend to Michael, since interrupts work backward, even though Michael is no longer in play? Or does Michael stay dead, since even though the battle was interrupted he is no longer in play?

2) Also, the card says "protect...from evil cards until end of turn." Does this mean the Special Abilities on evil cards, or all evil cards, period? Does this mean that my evil characters can not kill Gabriel now because he's protected from all evil cards?

Finally, a question about enhancements in battle. Do you play the enhancements to a specific character, or do enhancements just get played to the battle? If I remember correctly, they get played to the character, but I'd just like to make sure. I ask, because when I attacked with Gabriel (this was a different game than the one above), and he blocked with a character, he played an enhancement to his character, boosting his numbers. Now, I played Death of Firstborn on Gabriel, forcing his character to return to his territory and bring in a new blocker. Does the first enhancement stay or does it get discarded because the original character was removed from the battle?



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Re: Questions about Protection of Angels and enhancements
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2009, 02:58:15 AM »
Evil cards means evil cards, so long as its not a negate.

That even includes dominants.

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Re: Questions about Protection of Angels and enhancements
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2009, 05:24:35 AM »
1. Michael would be protected if the interrupt brought him back into play.  However, since discard is an instant ability, I don't think he is put in play:
‘Interrupt the battle’ interrupts all active ongoing abilities on characters and enhancements (e.g. Red Dragon), abilities that are causing you to lose the battle by removal (e.g. King Zimri), as well as the last enhancement played in the current battle if it was played by your opponent.  Interrupting the battle interrupts the battle flow at the point where you played the interrupt.  It does not send you back to the beginning of the battle and does not include special abilities completed prior to the interrupt being played that are no longer pending.
Based on that, I don't think an interrupt would save Michael.  Might be wrong though...

2. From the Ten Commandments of Redemption:

3. Although enhancements are technically played on a certain character, if that character is being removed from the battle, their enhancements are shifted to another character in battle (if possible, ie, brigades match).  If no character is available to care for them, they get discarded.
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