Author Topic: Question: Negated characters with abilities that make enhancements cbn  (Read 4779 times)

Offline uthminister [BR]

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Re: Question: Negated characters with abilities that make enhancements cbn
« Reply #25 on: April 30, 2015, 09:07:33 AM »
Our playgroup played Redemption so wrong early on and maybe have a few things we still mess up. It is all a learning process.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2015, 09:09:49 AM by uthminister [BR] »

Offline Eragon5

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Re: Question: Negated characters with abilities that make enhancements cbn
« Reply #26 on: April 30, 2015, 11:38:56 AM »
Our playgroup played Redemption so wrong early on and maybe have a few things we still mess up. It is all a learning process.
Same here, though my playgroup is just me and my brothers. :)
I still think that while it is a learning process, that this information should be made clear and in print for rules so a judge can point to the rulebook, or if I'm teaching it to a friend I can show that this is a rule that is in the rulebook, not something that has just been consistently ruled a certain way. Literally the first time I saw this rule was when perusing the message boards, and I was still like "wait, that's not in the rules or the ability on the card, why is this being ruled this way?" I now know why the ruling was made and agree with it, but I just want other players to be able to see the ruling in the rulebook, so they know, and it can't be disputed.
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Offline kram1138

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Re: Question: Negated characters with abilities that make enhancements cbn
« Reply #27 on: April 30, 2015, 11:57:17 AM »
As Gabe quoted from the 10th anniversary rulebook, it is stated in a rule book. But it is easy to miss. Redemption is a complicated game with many little rules like this. Chances are you will miss things like this when you first read the rulebook. But that doesn't mean it isn't in it.

Offline spacy32

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Re: Question: Negated characters with abilities that make enhancements cbn
« Reply #28 on: April 30, 2015, 01:14:04 PM »
I agree and here is why, but before I state my main reason let me be clear that I don't think the rule should be changed, that said, here goes.
For a long time while I had and played redemption in my own family I didn't know that these boards existed. Therefore all rulings here got lost. My only way to get rulings was to look at the redemption rulebook or the REG. If I went to a tournament unaware of this rule, I may be inclined to think my King of Tyrus would be a good choice against Thomas to negate his pesky ability and then I am told it is CBN my inclination would be to whip out the rulebook and prove that is not a stated rule. My opponent calls a judge who tells me that is just the way it is. For new players and for those unfamiliar with rules like these they need to be posted in the REG or rulebook. For a long time I thought these abilities could be negated, only to find these boards and realize how wrong I was.
For new players, if the situation I described happened at a tournament, they would probably and understandably be frustrated.
Bottom line players who don't go to tournaments or access the boards likely will be blindsided by this rule if it is not made public to them.

And on that note, it give an unfair advantage to someone who is playing the game using the rules as they are written. Anyone who doesn't have access to the boards who tries to build a deck is basically screwed. I have been going to tourneys for a few years now and I have never heard this rule. Every time i played my Michael I was told his ability was negated by certain cards. Even at Nats this was told to me. Either everyone was misinformed or they knew that I wouldn't know.
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Re: Question: Negated characters with abilities that make enhancements cbn
« Reply #29 on: April 30, 2015, 01:32:07 PM »
Everyone has access to the rule book so I  am not sure what the issue is.

Offline Eragon5

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Re: Question: Negated characters with abilities that make enhancements cbn
« Reply #30 on: April 30, 2015, 01:46:15 PM »
As Gabe quoted from the 10th anniversary rulebook, it is stated in a rule book. But it is easy to miss. Redemption is a complicated game with many little rules like this. Chances are you will miss things like this when you first read the rulebook. But that doesn't mean it isn't in it.
Yeah, as one who didn't know the abilities that enhancements CBN is CBN I actually remember reading this precise example and thinking it was a typo or mistake, because it doesn't state why his ability is CBN, also to someone who doesn't know every single card might assume that CBN is in the ability. I'm not talking about extrapolating from an obscure example, I'm talking about a formal rule statement that says: abilities that grant . . . are CBN.
I'm not trying to be obnoxious, but that example being slipped in will not help players learn this rule from the rulebook.
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Offline spacy32

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Re: Question: Negated characters with abilities that make enhancements cbn
« Reply #31 on: April 30, 2015, 02:05:22 PM »
and F.Y.I. the rule was taken out of the I/J rulebook so any new players learning to play have no clue. The CBN example was taken completely out. CBN is not even mentioned in the new rulebook.
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Offline uthminister [BR]

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Re: Question: Negated characters with abilities that make enhancements cbn
« Reply #32 on: April 30, 2015, 02:09:24 PM »
Alright...well now you know. It will change the game for you but ultimately we all have to be on the same page and we are trying to get better as a community at communicating and knowing the game.


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