Author Topic: Punisher, Dragon Raid and Beginning a Battle  (Read 767 times)

Offline Gabe

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Punisher, Dragon Raid and Beginning a Battle
« on: December 19, 2015, 04:12:09 PM »
The punisher Lost Soul is in play and the active player has more than 3 brigades out. He rescues with Christian Soldier (PC) and Dragon Raid (Promo). Does he get to use Christian Soldier's special ability? Why or why not?

Lost Soul (Jeremiah 17:9) (punisher) - Negate Hero special abilities of any opponent with more than three good brigades in play.

Posting from my phone so can't add other abilities right now.
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Offline Crashfach2002

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Re: Punisher, Dragon Raid and Beginning a Battle
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2015, 05:17:00 PM »
So trying to review the wording for adding sites into battle for access has come up somewhat empty.  There is nothing about it in the rule books (new and old) or in the new REG, so this might need some clarification.  But here is my understanding as a starting point.

Sites can be placed in battle at anytime, but for it to be a battle a hero has to be present. (if this is truly the case, I could just be playing wrong)  The Hero's ability would be negated and once Dragon Raid is entered into battle it would negate the LS, but (again my (could be wrong) understanding) is if the ability on a character or enhancement didn't activate once it came into battle, it could not later.  So I would be saying that it does not reactivate!

Offline YourMathTeacher

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Re: Punisher, Dragon Raid and Beginning a Battle
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2015, 06:16:41 PM »
What is Christian Soldier's SA?

The rule is that you can add a site to battle at any time. However, there has to be a battle first. A battle begins when the hero enters the FoB. Dragon Raid cannot enter battle first, nor simultaneously. The hero's SA must complete before a site can be considered.

My understanding (which might be outdated) of SAs not activating if prevented is that the rule only applies to instant abilities that were prevented. Any ongoing abilities could still activate after the LS is negated. Has that changed recently?  :dunno:
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Re: Punisher, Dragon Raid and Beginning a Battle
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2015, 11:24:39 PM »
Christian Soldier - You may search deck for an Armor of God Enhancement. Cannot be interrupted.

I would agree with YMT. Dragon Raid cannot enter battle until after the Hero ability has activated and completed (or in this case fizzles because it's negated). Since CS is an instant ability, by the time DR negates the Soul its chance has passed and it doesn't get to activate.


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