The only problem I see is something that I complained about before but to no avail. If you choose to withdraw Ahimaaz, then the battle immediately ends and the placed cards never activate (per the REG):
Instant Special Abilities > Withdraw from Battle > How to Use
Withdraw cards can be used to immediately terminate a battle or rescue attempt. Only cards targeted to withdraw must leave the Field of Battle. If the withdraw card specifies that only a character withdraws from battle, the enhancements are discarded unless there is another character remaining or immediately replaced in the Field of Battle that can use them. Cards returned to your hand return to face value and cards returned to your territory retain their abilities. Other characters in battle not targeted remain in battle. If a withdrawing character was the only one in battle, the battle ends.
However, at the time, Bryon used his "Did the card enter battle? Was it negated?" quip to give the indication that the cards would still activate, even though the battle was ended, which is the polar opposite of how we have been told to rule cards like Wonders Forgotten.
If you are not withdrawing Ahimaaz, or he is not the only hero in battle, then I see no problem with drawing 5. I am not aware of a "place limit," and we already have the precedent of allowing more than one set-aside per character.