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Quote from: Wings of Music on May 07, 2012, 02:31:52 PMI don't really expect people would add extra Sabbath Breakers. I would expect more trembling demons, more Proud Pharisees and more Generic Assyrians. Why wouldn't they?
I don't really expect people would add extra Sabbath Breakers. I would expect more trembling demons, more Proud Pharisees and more Generic Assyrians.
I love this idea and it makes a lot of sense. I mean why not since you can have up to four on the field at once in type 2 why can't we have atleast two in type 1 builds? My question is what about dual colored genetics in type one if this rule was applied? If this was applied would they be limited to one?
Your actually limited to 2 multi colored characters per deck. I think that would be fine. So you could have let's say 2 Astorlogers in a 50 card deck but still only 2 in a 100 card deck or 150 card deck.
It seems like almost everyone looking at this post has really liked the idea. I'd be happy to see an elder run a poll on the topic if this continues to pick up traction. (and in the odd chance that the rule really was taken seriously the 2 month delay for the new set could give play testers some time to try it out and possibly implement the rule for next season)
Hey,Quote from: Jmbeers on May 09, 2012, 03:51:53 PMIt seems like almost everyone looking at this post has really liked the idea. I'd be happy to see an elder run a poll on the topic if this continues to pick up traction. (and in the odd chance that the rule really was taken seriously the 2 month delay for the new set could give play testers some time to try it out and possibly implement the rule for next season)As an elder, speaking only for myself, if you want two copies of a card per 50 cards in your deck, play type 2. I'm 95% sure this will never be officially supported. It pushes Type 1 too much towards Type 2.Tschow,Tim "Sir Nobody" Maly
I'm all for this rule. It'd make the Heretics nearly viable. I love the idea of seeing more balanced decks more often.