Cactus Web Site special offer: Orders over $75 will receive a free Angel of God 2023 National Promo card while supplies last.
So in the case of number oneI could use Scribe-Band to Proud Pharisee and play a black enhancement? Since scribe is both black and gray?
Proud Pharisee if another Pharisee is in play, you may reveal your hand to draw two cards. If you have played no enhancements this turn, you may play an enhancement. I would assume so.
For #4, I thought weapons could be transferred from one character to another but I would have to review the weapon rules to be sure.
Weapon-class EnhancementThis is a special kind of enhancement marked by a shield icon on the left side of the card. Weapon-class enhancements may be held by warrior-class characters outside of battle, and may be placed on a warrior-class character during a player’s preparation or discard phases. The special ability on a weapon-class enhancement only activates in battle.Weapon-class enhancements can also be played during battle, as normal for enhancements, using the rules of initiative. When this is done, then Ffollowing battle resolution, when enhancements are normally discarded, a warrior-class character’s controller may decide to keep one place weapon-class enhancement(s) on the warrior-class character(s) in that battle that are not already holding a weapon.Weapons follow the same rules as placed cards by following their bearers to any location in which they are moved. Once a weapon has been placed (either outside of battle or during battle resolution), that weapon is considered 'placed' on that character in all future phases for determining whether the weapon follows the holder.