Author Topic: Pithom?  (Read 4170 times)

Offline D-man

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Re: Pithom?
« Reply #25 on: September 01, 2010, 10:52:26 PM »
Remember that we have little kids here.  

Carry on.
( please dont not visualize the following as angry for it not ment to be a 6/6 brown briagde EC the negates and exchanges heros) this is what annoys me : if ANYTHING is the LEAST bit mature moderators just use the exuse that "there are little kids on here." even though they (the supposed kids) HAVEN'T POSTED ONCE.
The vast majority of people who view a thread don't post on it.

As of now, this thread has 330 views and 16 posters (I may have counted wrong).

Also, I'm thinking that RLKs are less likely to post than veteran, older players.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2010, 10:56:49 PM by D-man »


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