Author Topic: Order of Abilities  (Read 715 times)

Offline fyero

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Order of Abilities
« on: June 18, 2018, 01:29:13 PM »
Is there an order of abilities place in the rule book somewhere? For instance if I have three different abilities with the same trigger that say “when a hero enters battle, do this” do I decide what order the abilities activate? Does the Heros ability activate before any of my triggers or can I choose which order they are activated in? I can provide an example if needed
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Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: Order of Abilities
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2018, 01:34:59 PM »
There's an ability activation order in the REG - it's the last link under special abilities in the table of contents. BUT, that's not what you're looking for.

When an ability is triggered, it has to wait for abilities to complete before it can activate, so the Hero activates first. Then you can do any mandatory triggers (no may), then any optional triggers (may).

Offline Kevinthedude

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Re: Order of Abilities
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2018, 01:36:00 PM »
To save you a trip to the REG:

Whenever a character (or group of characters) are played in battle:
1. Verify the rescuing/taunting/attacking/blocking/defending status of the characters in battle and
the players involved in the battle.
2. Activate all abilities in the order written on the card EXCEPT those with effects that add a
character to a battle.
3. Activate all gained abilities in the order gained EXCEPT those with effects that add a
character to a battle.
4. Activate all abilities on any equipped weapons EXCEPT those with effects that add a
character to a battle.
5. Activate all abilities with effects that add a character to the same side of battle. This includes
steps 1-5 for all new characters added to battle, in the order added.
6. Verify the begins a battle/blocked status of the characters that are/were in battle and the
players involved in the battle.
7. Activate all abilities with effects that add a character to the opposite side of battle. This
includes steps 1-7 for all new characters added to battle, in the order added.
8. Activate all abilities with side battle effects. This includes steps 1-8 for all new characters
added to a battle, in the order added.
9. Activate all pending abilities with triggered effects, following the order provided in the
definition of triggered effect abilities.


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