Cactus Web Site special offer: Orders over $75 will receive a free Angel of God 2023 National Promo card while supplies last.
thanks Master KChief and for any experienced players if you can think of questions that pop consistenly in game play feel free to post them here also how exactly dose banding work ?during battle do I send aaron out with miriam already banded or do I wait till I have iniative to add her and then after battle phase if I win or i get sent back for some reason dose the bandi get taken off or discarded or do we stay banded and what if the EC captures do they get both or just aaron and dose miriam get discarded or sent to the teritory ? thANKS FOR ALL THE HELP
Ok so my hero dosent have access into the site toget a lost soul can I battle challange to get access?
If the golden calf artifact is in effect. Wich states if moses wins this card is discarded. And a battle challange is propossed. And it is unmet wit a blocker is that a win and. The calf is discarded
Ok next A ignore black evil character Enchantment was placed agianst a black EC and the EC played interrupt and redirectIn rule book. Pg.58 it "interrupt and prevent" as scissors. But nothing on I and redirect ........