Author Topic: Noob Redemption Question Drop  (Read 1414 times)

Offline Supa

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Noob Redemption Question Drop
« on: April 13, 2017, 10:57:43 PM »
So my brother and I are getting into the game and i have some questions on rulings and understanding some things. Any help is greatly appreciated.

1. If a card says "Immune to Human Heroes" does that mean I just cant defeat it or does immune mean something else?
2. How many Brigades are required in deck building? The rules i have dont say.
3. If my brother plays a card that interrupts to do something can i use a negate on it? I think interrupt stops a negate when played after correct?
4. If Men of Judah says when discarded do -3/-3 does that include losing a fight? My brother has Army of Simionites + Caleb + Men of Judah and I cant seem to get rid of them.
5. Is there a site limit in seck building?
6. How do duplicates work? Like it says Panic Demon bands with Panic Demons but i thought you couldnt have duplicates.

I will update this if I think of more. Thank you so much.

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Re: Noob Redemption Question Drop
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2017, 11:11:18 PM »
1. Immune and protect are now the same. Basically, they cannot discard you by battle and you are unaffected by all their card effects unless the protection is negated (or a card says regardless of Protection.) You may not necessarily win a Lost Soul or stop your Opponent from obtaining a Lost Soul, but regardless you'll keep the character.

2. There is no limit or minimum of brigades you have to use. You typically will use 2 at least, (1 Good and 1 Evil) but beyond that you can use any number of brigades.

3. Okay, so Interrupt stops what's going on, applies the effect of the card and then lets the original effect complete if the card that was interrupted and a character that can use it is still in battle. You can use a negate against an interrupt all the same though. Just as he can interrupt your negate.

4. I would have to read the card but if it just says "When Discarded" then yes, it would. But that would only apply to what the card states. Not to all characters.

5. Yes. You can have as many Sites in your deck up to the number of Lost Souls in your Deck. Same thing with Dominants.

6. Basically if it has the same name and same picture, it's a duplicate. Otherwise they are not duplicates.
They seem pretty lame as fighters maybe we should challenge them to a dance off or a redemption game

Offline Watchman

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Re: Noob Redemption Question Drop
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2017, 08:59:36 AM »
6. Basically if it has the same name and same picture, it's a duplicate. Otherwise they are not duplicates.

For unique characters (such as John, Peter, Sapphira, etc) with special abilities, if the brigade is the same and the name (title of the card) is the same then there cannot be more than 1 per 50 cards in a deck.

For generic characters (such as Pharisees, Panic Demon, etc) with special abilities that have the same name and card art they are limited to a maximum of 1 per 50 cards. If the card art is different, you can have a maximum of 1 of each type of variant per 50 cards.

Welcome to the game, Supa! Feel free to ask any and all questions on the forum, but going over the Redemption Exegesis Guide (REG) will give you a much better understanding of the rules of the game, how abilities work and deck building requirements. If you'd like to read/download it click on the link below. You will find it on the Cactus website under Redemption, Rules, Rules and Forms. If you'd like to know more about deck building requirements they're listed on pages 4-6 in the REG.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2017, 09:22:51 AM by Watchman492 »
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Offline Supa

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Re: Noob Redemption Question Drop
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2017, 10:09:23 AM »
1. Immune and protect are now the same. Basically, they cannot discard you by battle and you are unaffected by all their card effects unless the protection is negated (or a card says regardless of Protection.) You may not necessarily win a Lost Soul or stop your Opponent from obtaining a Lost Soul, but regardless you'll keep the character.

2. There is no limit or minimum of brigades you have to use. You typically will use 2 at least, (1 Good and 1 Evil) but beyond that you can use any number of brigades.

3. Okay, so Interrupt stops what's going on, applies the effect of the card and then lets the original effect complete if the card that was interrupted and a character that can use it is still in battle. You can use a negate against an interrupt all the same though. Just as he can interrupt your negate.

4. I would have to read the card but if it just says "When Discarded" then yes, it would. But that would only apply to what the card states. Not to all characters.

5. Yes. You can have as many Sites in your deck up to the number of Lost Souls in your Deck. Same thing with Dominants.

6. Basically if it has the same name and same picture, it's a duplicate. Otherwise they are not duplicates.

So how would I even get passed those cards on #4. They seem impossible. They start at like 15/13 or something crazy like that and can band to eachother so even defeating them once seems impossible

Offline Watchman

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Re: Noob Redemption Question Drop
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2017, 10:25:37 AM »
Try and negate their abilities with cards like Foul Spirit, Sapphira, King of Tyrus, etc. You could also try underdecking them with Scattered, which if played against at least two
Heroes in battle Scattered's ability is Cannot he Negated (which also means it can't be prevented and/or interrupted either). Try any other ability other than discard or defeat by the numbers to get rid of them from battle such as underdeck, set-aside, Banish (remove from the game), shuffle, etc.
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Offline Supa

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Re: Noob Redemption Question Drop
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2017, 12:06:28 PM »
Try and negate their abilities with cards like Foul Spirit, Sapphira, King of Tyrus, etc. You could also try underdecking them with Scattered, which if played against at least two
Heroes in battle Scattered's ability is Cannot he Negated (which also means it can't be prevented and/or interrupted either). Try any other ability other than discard or defeat by the numbers to get rid of them from battle such as underdeck, set-aside, Banish (remove from the game), shuffle, etc.

Oh ok thank you all very much

Offline Xonathan

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Re: Noob Redemption Question Drop
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2017, 12:43:42 PM »
You and your brother can download Lackey. We have a dedicated Redemption tutor named KariusVega that is on there 24/7 to help you guys learn.
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1 Chronicles 16:11


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