Author Topic: New to the game and have a few questions that came up  (Read 4419 times)


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New to the game and have a few questions that came up
« on: January 12, 2009, 08:17:04 PM »
Hello I am new to the game and have a few questions that have been eating away at me since I cannot figure out the answer from the REG. I was hoping someone can explain in detail the answers and the reasons why, citing both the REG and also examples if possible.

1. Does Great Image Evil enhancement with S.A "All opponents' Heroes in play that are not in the Field of Battle at the end of this battle must be discarded" still take affect at the end of battle if the EC using it, or the card itself, is discarded at the end of battle or before the end of battle. Or does the special ability need to be targetted with interupt or negate before the end of battle in order to stop its S.A

2. If I R.A with a human hero and it is blocked with Red Dragon with S.A "Immune to human heroes" does that mean my rescue attempt fails and the battle is lost by immunity, or is there more to the battle. I am confused by this seemingly simple question by a quote from the REG:

"Your Hero is losing by repel if your Hero is being repelled by a special ability. Your Hero is losing by immunity if the blocking Evil Character is immune to your Hero and the strength of the Evil Character is enough to defeat your Hero. Either way, you have initiative and can play any good enhancement of matching brigade. However, the special ability on the enhancement cannot be directed at an Evil Character that is immune to your Hero or is repelling your Hero."

3. How exact do sites and fortresses work. (I.E House of Rimmon, Zerubbabel's Temple) What are all the ways you can gain access to a lost soul within a site.

Thanks in advance

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Re: New to the game and have a few questions that came up
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2009, 08:28:18 PM »
First of all, welcome to Redemption!

1.  If the card or EC is discarded, the card still takes effect.  Discarding does not negate the ability.  The card must be interrupted or negated to stop the discarding.

2.  Think of immunity as unlimited defense.  Your hero cannot hurt the immune EC at all, but immune does not mean that Red Dragon is killing you.  If your defense is higher than Red Dragon's offense, then you still survive (stalemate).  Immune is only defensive, not offensive.

3.  Sites are places where lost souls are placed.  For example, if a lost soul is placed in a Red site, then only a red hero can rescue it.  The ways that you can gain access to a LS in a site are: 1.  If your hero is the same color as the site.  2.  If you have an artifact that gains you access (Priestly Crown, Temple Veil....).  3.  If you place a red (or multi) site into battle with your non-red hero.  Also, fortresses do not gain access to lost souls, they are separate from the rescuing process.


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Re: New to the game and have a few questions that came up
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2009, 08:38:59 PM »
Thanks for the great explanations. I think I worded the last question wrong. I know fortresses don't have to do with R.A's, I want to know how they work as a separate entity. Can you put characters in them, how do cards work when placed in them, such as temple artifacts in solomons temple, or zerubbels' temple. Thanks again.

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Re: New to the game and have a few questions that came up
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2009, 08:56:51 PM »
Every fortress is different.  Some hold characters, some hold artifacts, and most have abilities that protect or other stuff like that.  Cards like Solomon's Temple hold another artifact so that you can have 2 activated at the same time.  However, it must be a Temple Artifact to place it in ST (look on the artifact for an identifier or look on the REG for a list).  Z-Temple does the same as ST but it also protects the special teal heroes.

Just look on each fortress for its ability and what it does.


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Re: New to the game and have a few questions that came up
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2009, 09:48:25 PM »
I am the only person on theboards t bemoderated 3 times andwarned 5  :) lol just trying to get a good reputation going  ;)  :D

welcome all the same only 1 rule don't follow mine or Andy's footsteps...we hit mods

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Re: New to the game and have a few questions that came up
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2009, 10:58:44 PM »
I would like to add one more thing to the Immunity that Cameron described:
    Immunity is unlimited defense until an "interrupt..." card is played.  You can interrupt an evil character's immunity.  A common example:
   Widow (purple hero, 3/3) enters battle.  Red Dragon blocks (5/6, immune to humans).  Widow has unlimited initiative because of Dragon's immunity.  She plays "Reach of Desperation"  interrupt the battle, d3, play next.  She then plays "Authority of Christ:" discard all evil characters.  The Red Dragon is now being removed and has initiative.  In short, Widow interrupted the Dragon's immunity and then discarded him.
   Interrupts are very powerful in this game, just so you know.
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Re: New to the game and have a few questions that came up
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2009, 06:19:15 PM »
From the situation you described with the widow and the reg dragon, it seems that a card has initiative if it is going to be discarded and can play cards. I did not know that. Also could someone verify I am interpreting the rules right in the following situation. Lets suppose I play a card with an instant or ongoing S.A, and it affects other cards on the field, such as discarding them or capturing etc, but then that card is interrupted or negated, do all the affected cards revert back to their state before they were affected?  I would assume if it was an ongoing S.A it would revert but an instant S.A wouldn't. I would like some clarification on this though. And sorry if my question is hard to understand, I can't cite specific situations off-hand so it's kind of hard to formulate the question :P
« Last Edit: January 13, 2009, 06:42:29 PM by Anivrom »

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Re: New to the game and have a few questions that came up
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2009, 07:28:55 PM »
From the situation you described with the widow and the reg dragon, it seems that a card has initiative if it is going to be discarded and can play cards. I did not know that. Also could someone verify I am interpreting the rules right in the following situation. Lets suppose I play a card with an instant or ongoing S.A, and it affects other cards on the field, such as discarding them or capturing etc, but then that card is interrupted or negated, do all the affected cards revert back to their state before they were affected?  I would assume if it was an ongoing S.A it would revert but an instant S.A wouldn't. I would like some clarification on this though. And sorry if my question is hard to understand, I can't cite specific situations off-hand so it's kind of hard to formulate the question :P

If you negate an instant ability, then the effect is undone. Interrupts vary slightly. If a card says "Interrupt the Battle," then it will interrupt an instant ability that is causing the character's removal from battle. However, while the interrupt is active, you must get rid of the card that was causing the removal. If you can't, then the interrupt only delays the inevitable removal.

A "Negate All" ability will undo everything that was done by every special ability, except those that "cannot be negated." Any cards drawn are returned to draw pile in the order they were taken. Discarded cards are returned to battle. etc.

If you have specific examples that you can think of later, then post them and we will discuss the results in those specific situations.
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Re: New to the game and have a few questions that came up
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2009, 10:24:42 AM »
I still struggle a little bit with instant and ongoing abilities.
   Example of what makes me unsure:  Assyrian Archer's discard of a hero is instant, but Archer discarding himself is ongoing. 2K horses only interrupts the ongoing ability and not the instant ability.  So this actually works (I found out at Nationals), Assyrian Archer blocks uses his instant ability to discard your hero in territory and would in turn discard himself.  He plays 2k Horses interrupts the battle, draws, and plays next.  He then plays "forgotten History" which immediately ends the battle.  His numbers are big enough to survive, so he does because he interrupted his discard himself clause and not the discard your hero clause.
   I think (not sure on this one):  you have to interrupt instant abilities right away (if you get initiative) whereas you can interrupt ongoing abilities at any time.

* For future reference (in case you didn't know):  Negate = Interrupt AND Prevent
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Re: New to the game and have a few questions that came up
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2009, 10:34:56 AM »
SS is correct in saying that you have to interrupt instant abilities right away.

According to the REG...

Interrupt the battle interrupts the following:

•      Your opponent’s special abilities that are (1) causing you to be losing by removal (e.g., your opponent’s Net), or (2) causing a mutual destruction by mutual removal (e.g., your opponent’s King Zimri but not your own King Zimri).

•      The last enhancement played in battle, as long as it was played by an opponent (e.g., your opponent’s False Peace but not your own Reach of Desperation).

•      ALL ongoing special abilities (see Ongoing Abilities).

So that is what ITB interrupts.  Hope that helps.

As of archer, I don't think that works.  I contend that archer's d/c is ongoing.  He isn't continuously discarding himself.  He d/c after battle.  That is an instant.  So, it seems to be that archer is not ongoing, but a later instant.

I'm probably wrong technically, but that seems right to me... :P


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Re: New to the game and have a few questions that came up
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2009, 10:36:51 AM »
Archer's first ability is instant because it is an immediate discard.  His second ability is ongoing because it is activated at the moment he is played, but the effect does not happen until it is triggered later (end of battle).  Abilities that do not resolve immediately are ongoing, and that includes abilities that have their effect later, as well as cards that remain in effect over a period of time.

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Re: New to the game and have a few questions that came up
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2009, 11:05:58 AM »
kk.  I figured that was the rule....


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Re: New to the game and have a few questions that came up
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2009, 05:39:11 PM »
So let me get this straight. Any card that says interrupt, negates the last enhancement played as well as any ongoing enhancements? Does that include artifacts that don't have CBN status? I don't have much experience with card games myself but are all card games rules so grey and hard to interpret?
« Last Edit: January 14, 2009, 05:41:31 PM by Anivrom »


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Re: New to the game and have a few questions that came up
« Reply #13 on: January 14, 2009, 05:42:11 PM »
To clarify I am referring to "Interrupt battle", I would assume a card that specifically targets another card would only affect that card.

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Re: New to the game and have a few questions that came up
« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2009, 05:55:02 PM »
Prevent stops abilities that are going to happen.
Interrupt pauses abilities that have been played and carry out something else before those abilities can take effect.
Negate cancels abilities in either direction.

Interrupt THE BATTLE is a little tricky because it pauses some abilities but not all.  So there was a rule created that specifies what abilities are paused when you interrupt THE BATTLE.

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Re: New to the game and have a few questions that came up
« Reply #15 on: January 14, 2009, 05:56:24 PM »
"Interrupt the Battle" cards always have specific actions that can be taken (i.e. Interrupt the battle and draw three cards). Once you have completed the actions, the interrupt ends.
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Re: New to the game and have a few questions that came up
« Reply #16 on: January 14, 2009, 07:16:18 PM »
If an ability is played and I interrupt it and discard the card, does its s.a still happen?

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Re: New to the game and have a few questions that came up
« Reply #17 on: January 14, 2009, 07:19:44 PM »
no, since the card does not exist when the ability would normally take effect again, it doesn't.


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Re: New to the game and have a few questions that came up
« Reply #18 on: January 18, 2009, 10:28:52 PM »
I couldn't find a clear answer to this question after skimming through the REG so if someone could give me a definitive answer I would appreciate it. If I battle challenge, does the S.A on the card activate whether my opponent accepts or not? Such as Amasai the Raider "Special Ability: Discard an evil Enhancement from opponent’s deck or Storehouse." And also I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this one but if a character is converted from evil to good or vise versa and is then returned to the draw pile they change back to normal correct? Thanks.

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Re: New to the game and have a few questions that came up
« Reply #19 on: January 18, 2009, 10:29:57 PM »
Yes, the hero's SA takes effect whether your opponent accepts the BC or not.

And, yes, all cards reset in the draw pile.
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Re: New to the game and have a few questions that came up
« Reply #20 on: February 04, 2009, 09:40:49 PM »
If negate also prevents it, then the "I'll negate your negate" battles I have had are wrong?  In other words, if I negate your "Wrath of Satan", even if you have a negate in hand there is nothing you can do to make "Wrath of Satan" happen?  Thanks for the clarification.

By the way, I definitely had never thought that "interrupt" also interrupts special abilities like Red Dragon or Nero.  What page of the 3rd edition rule book talks about this?

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Re: New to the game and have a few questions that came up
« Reply #21 on: February 04, 2009, 09:48:31 PM »
I'm not sure where in the rulebook it is, but interrupt stops ongoing abilities as well as the last card played.
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Re: New to the game and have a few questions that came up
« Reply #22 on: February 05, 2009, 10:25:42 AM »
I'm not sure if this is mentioned earlier in the thread, but immune abilities work like infinite defense (as stated previously) AND protect the immune character from special abilities used by the character(s) it is immune to.  For instance, if Widow is blocked by Red Dragon, the rescuing player cannot play Casting out Demons (discard a demon) and discard Red Dragon, because Red Dragon is immune to Widow's offense (meaning the number, */) AND any special abilities activated on that hero.  You must interrupt Red Dragon's immunity before directly harming it.  Playing Reach of Desperation (Interrupt the Battle, Draw three cards and play the next enhancement) followed by Casting out Demons will successfully discard Red Dragon, because Reach of Desperation's interrupt temporarily stops the immunity, and also applies to the enhancement played after it by its special ability.
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Re: New to the game and have a few questions that came up
« Reply #23 on: February 05, 2009, 11:00:37 AM »
If negate also prevents it, then the "I'll negate your negate" battles I have had are wrong?  In other words, if I negate your "Wrath of Satan", even if you have a negate in hand there is nothing you can do to make "Wrath of Satan" happen?  Thanks for the clarification.

This works.  You negate Wrath, I negate your negate, that brings back Wrath.

You negate THAT negate, and basically we're back where we were before, with Wrath not working.

And so on.


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