Author Topic: Negate clarification  (Read 916 times)

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Negate clarification
« on: January 21, 2016, 01:55:34 PM »
4th edition rules say the following about Negate:

"Negate stops and prevents the special ability on a targeted card or card type.  A negate ability can stop special abilities that have already been played, and can prevent special abilities for the rest of the battle."

Scenario 1:  I block with an EC and initiative passes to my opponent due to him losing by the numbers.  He plays GE "Fishers of Men" with SA "Reveal the top 3 cards of opponent's deck (or top 9 if used by a Disciple); put the revealed Lost Souls in opponent's territory and underdeck the rest." 

Question 1:  Before he continues his action to do what the SA says to do (which is targeted at me), do I now have initiative to negate my opponent's SA with EH "Crucify Him!" with SA "Negate and discard the last good Enhancement played this battle"?  The rules say "targeted card or card type."  My deck isn't a targeted card or card type, per say, so can I negate his SA?

Scenario 2:  Same scenario above except he plays GE "Angelic News" with SA "Draw 1 (or 2 if used by Gabriel) instead of "Fishers of Men" GE.

Question 2:  Can I play "Crucify Him!" to negate his special ability to draw 1 or 2 cards, or is this not permitted since it's a special ability that does not target one of my cards?  If it doesn't affect his ability to draw, what happens if I do play "Crucify Him!"?  Does the SA not have any effect whatsoever (nothing is negated?  nothing is discarded?) and I just use the numbers for battle?

Scenario 3:  Reversed situation.  I have initiative due to losing by my opponent's SA and I play "Bad Dealings" with SA "Negate and discard the last good enhancement played this battle.  You may draw 1."  I draw one card and add it to my hand.  Opponent then counters with "Walking on Water" with SA "Negate and discard the last evil enhancement played in battle." 

Question 3:  I'm assuming my "Bad Dealings" negate card gets negated and discarded by my opponent's "Walking on Water" card.  But do I also have to put back the card that I drew, or is the drawing a card not related to and is separate from my negate/discard special ability?

General question:  The hero cards and evil character cards that have the SA "Negate heroes" or "Negate evil character," I know this means to negate the hero/EC's special ability.  Would this SA only be effective if the hero/EC was added in after the battle began with another hero/EC?  I don't see how it would help when they enter battle, whether rescuing (particularly rescuing) or blocking.

I'm sure many on here are saying that my questions are quite elementary and the answer seems simple, but I'm pretty new to this game (obviously!) and I just need some clarification on these rules/wording, etc.  Thank you for your patience!
« Last Edit: January 21, 2016, 02:00:43 PM by Watchman492 »
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Re: Negate clarification
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2016, 03:27:35 PM »
1,2: any played ability must complete in full (except if it's removing your last character in battle) before any other abilities can activate. If you aren't still winning the battle, you would now have initiative to play. The target of the negate is the card you are negating, not the target of the negated card. So it's whole  ability is negated regardless of what it is targeting. When the rules say "targeted card or card type", means when you play it, the target's special ability is negated. The target is specified in this case, and is the last good enhancement played that battle.

3: When a card is negated, all abilities in it are negated. Specific abilities can be negated as well, but unless it refers to an ability, it's all of them. So in this case, got would put the card back as well.

Side note for 3, you can not play another "negate the last enhancement, even though it would effectively negate the ability removing you from battle.  The reason is that special initiative lets you play a card that negates or interrupts the ability removing you from battle. Since the enhancement wouldn't be negating that card,  you cannot play it.

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Re: Negate clarification
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2016, 11:05:28 AM »
1,2: any played ability must complete in full (except if it's removing your last character in battle) before any other abilities can activate. If you aren't still winning the battle, you would now have initiative to play. The target of the negate is the card you are negating, not the target of the negated card. So it's whole  ability is negated regardless of what it is targeting. When the rules say "targeted card or card type", means when you play it, the target's special ability is negated. The target is specified in this case, and is the last good enhancement played that battle.

3: When a card is negated, all abilities in it are negated. Specific abilities can be negated as well, but unless it refers to an ability, it's all of them. So in this case, got would put the card back as well.

Side note for 3, you can not play another "negate the last enhancement, even though it would effectively negate the ability removing you from battle.  The reason is that special initiative lets you play a card that negates or interrupts the ability removing you from battle. Since the enhancement wouldn't be negating that card,  you cannot play it.

Agreed with kram on these questions. 


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