Author Topic: Need a copy of all current rules and info for hosting tournaments in the future!  (Read 1183 times)

Offline Warrior King

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Hey everyone.

In the process of getting back into redemption, I am working to get several kids from my church introduced to the game. My hope is to start a playgroup and maybe even host local tournaments in the future.

What is the best way to get my hands on all of the newest updates to the rules without having to go through every thread on the board.

Also, could a host or elder hit me with information that I would need if I had enough interest to host tournaments in the future?

You can either post here or send me a PM.

Thanks all and God Bless!

Offline _JM_

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You're in luck, there's a massive update to the REG that should be released soon.  Redoubter and team have been working on that for a while now, and I believe they are just putting the finishing touches on it before releasing it to the public.

Offline Warrior King

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Fantastic. I saw some things in other threads about that, but didn't know when to expect it to be out!   :-)

Offline Gabe

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Our plan, contingent upon Rob's availability to upload the document to the Cactus website, is to release it on Monday! :)
Have you visited the Land of Redemption today?

Offline Redoubter

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Our plan, contingent upon Rob's availability to upload the document to the Cactus website, is to release it on Monday! :)

To add on this, we will be going through and making additional note of where there are changes in a separate thread, so that you can see that for yourself.  Additionally, we will be implementing a new system for keeping the REG (and other rules) updated, so please stay tuned for that next week :)


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