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Woudn't the battle be over as soon as initiative is passed by both people, therefore the battle would be over and the battle would be resolved according to what was in battle at the passing of initiative. (i.e. they would both be discarded and no LS would be won)
Woudn't the battle be over as soon as initiative is passed by both people, therefore the battle would be over and the battle would be resolved according to what was in battle at the passing of initiative. (i.e. they would both be discarded and no LS would be won)I think that what you are trying to do is deceptive and unsportmanlike. legal or not, you pull something like this on me and I will call it for what it is a cheap shot and a deceptive play.If this is how you want to win, that is your business, but I want to earn my victories.
When there is a stalemate or a mutual destruction, the player who did not play the last card has initiative, but he must pass initiative if he does not play a card.