Author Topic: More questions about certain cards etc  (Read 845 times)

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More questions about certain cards etc
« on: January 29, 2015, 06:23:02 PM »
Forgivness of Joseph convert all human heroes in battle to blue heroes opponent may return any number of them to owner's hands.

1. What if Player A  plays Forgiveness of Joseph and converts all of player B evil characters  in battle and Player B's hand is protected from opponent's cards?
Can player B still return them to their hand?

2. In a type 2 game if a player had 2 Juda's plot (SA if an opponent's good dominant rescues or discards a card , discard this Enhancement instead to place that Dominant under deck.) active in their own territory and an opponent plays a good dominant (angel of the lord )

Can you trigger just one Juda's plot or does both of them have to activiate? when a single good dominant card is played?

3. Does the gained ability on leading others astray (TEC) become CBN on the converted character starting in the next phase?

4. Does the SA on Dragon Raid (while a human hero is in battle negate Lost souls) last until the very end of the battle phase?

Example O.T hero has dragon raid in battle and dragon raid negates N.T only lost soul and hero wins in battle.
Does the hero still get the N.T lost soul that was negated by Dragon Raid?

5. Pharaoh's cupbearer (SA: you may capture this character to opponent's LOB to search your discard pile for a genesis character and add your genesis character to the battle.
 Is the "and" ability optional? Can I capture it and then decide not to add any characters to the battle?

6.  Ananias of Damascus (TEC) SA Protect Paul from opponents' cards while he is in territory
1 assuming while Paul is in territory (and not Ananias) Paul is protected from opponent's?
2 what if Paul went into battle  and came back to territory is he still protected from opponents while in territory?


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Re: More questions about certain cards etc
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2015, 07:49:23 PM »
1. yes
2. yes
3. no
4. yes
5. no
6. a: no
   b: yes

This is just what I think, I am not an expert though. I would still seek an Elder to answer these question if I where you.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2015, 12:17:14 PM by LukeChips »

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Re: More questions about certain cards etc
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2015, 09:38:12 PM »
4. yes the Hero gets the lost soul. But if you had, say, Seraph banded to Ezekiel and they returned Zeke to territory, Dragon Raid would no longer be negating the NT LS.

6. b: Once Paul leaves territory the protection ends until the next time Ananias enters battle.
Just one more thing...

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Re: More questions about certain cards etc
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2015, 12:11:22 PM »
1. Correct.  Yes, they can be returned because the hand is the destination and is thus not being targeted.
2. Correct.  Yes, but you don't have a choice either way.  Cards, including triggers, only activate one at a time still once they are being triggered.  The first Plot goes off, and insteads the dominant's effect.  By the time the second would trigger, there never was a rescue or discard by a dominant; instead means that it just never happened.  So by the time it could go off, the second one has nothing that would make it do so.  If they played SoG/NJ, you have no choice and must instead both, but if one is played and you have 2 Plots, only one will complete.
3. Correct.  No, it is not CBN.  The gaining of the ability is CBN, as that completed in a previous phase (unless it is negated in the battle it ways played).  Otherwise, the rule that gained abilities are CBN only applies to set-asides.
4. Both correct.  Yes, to the question being asked.
5. Good question.  Normally, a 'may' is transitive through the rest of the ability.  However, it is on one side of the cost-benefit and the 'and' is on another.  As such, I agree with Luke that you must do both if you pay the cost, as they are separate and do not both benefit from the 'may'.
6. To answer both of these:  He is protected by Ananias activated in battle.  If Paul is in territory by the time that ability activates on Ananias, then he gains 'protected while in territory' status.  If he is not in territory for some reason when you hit that ability, then he is not protected if played down later.  Then, once he leaves for any reason (including to enter battle), he loses that protection.  He has not remained in territory, so it ends.  Even if you set him aside yourself, he now loses that protection, because he did not remain in territory.


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