Author Topic: More Questions about cards.  (Read 709 times)

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More Questions about cards.
« on: December 12, 2015, 07:47:57 PM »
Doomed Conspirators = DC
SA: If a missionary is defeated shuffle any number of Lost Souls.

Christian suing another  Side battle ability

1. If DC plays christian suing another and chooses 2 heroes to fight each other and a clay missionary was discarded in that side battle can DC shuffle any lost souls?

Goshen (promo) SA: Protect contents from all effects.
Patience SA: At the end of your turn if you did not use a search or draw ability search a deck for a Hero or a Lost Soul

2. Would Goshen protect placed on enhancements or weapon class enhancements on heroes that are in Goshen?

3. Would it protect placed enhancements (Like patience) from activating ,  if the placed enhancement was placed on the hero before the hero was put in the fortress?

Bravery of David SA: If the only Hero in battle is warrior class , you may discard an EC

4. Can you discard an EC if you have 2 warrior class heroes in battle?

Unknown Nation

If opponet's Hero is in battle you may discard this card to search draw pile for a human EC and add it to battle. 

5. Is Unknown Nation's SA Can not be interrupted?  (like madness is) I saw one errata somewhere that stated it was.

Roman Spearmen SA: If you control only Roman Spearmen in battle , toss all enhancements that are played this battle CBI

6. If a player only has two Roman Spearmen in battle ,  are all enhancements still tossed?


CWD is active (Negate characters) , a player has one copy of Paul's Disciples (TC character) already in their territory and then a player places down Epaphroditus (TC character SA:cards with Paul's name in the title CBN) down in their territory from hand.

7.  Right when the player places down Epaphroditus are paul's disciples SA CBN? or does CWD has to be deactiviated first (wait until the next phase) and then their ability is CBN?

Offline wyatt_marcum

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Re: More Questions about cards.
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2015, 08:13:48 PM »
I'm going to answer the ones I think I know.
with Goshen, Enhancements are not protected, but they do activate.
Bravery of david, no, only one hero can be in battle.
Unknown nation is not CBI.
two roman spearmen is still a toss battle. they dont negate anything, really, just make you toss enhancements instead.

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Re: More Questions about cards.
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2015, 11:33:35 AM »
1. As long as DC remains un-negated, then a missionary defeated in a side battle would trigger a DC that was active.

7. PD would have to try to reactivate before it would gain CBN as that can't be granted retroactively. This could be done by placing PD in battle, having them leave play and then re-enter territory, or by having CWD's ability end.
Just one more thing...

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Re: More Questions about cards.
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2015, 01:03:26 PM »
For #1, it's my understanding that Doomed Conspirator's ongoing ability is interrupted by Christian Suing Another. Therefore, I don't think it will see the missionary being discarded in the side battle, triggering the ability. After the side battle when DC reactivates. DC's ability doesn't appear to be worded in such a way that it looks back in time.
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