Author Topic: Misplays  (Read 4750 times)

Offline Praeceps

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Re: Misplays
« Reply #25 on: August 12, 2013, 07:49:54 PM »
I think fun and fellowship is harmed if simple mistakes or illegal actions unknowingly taken aren't allowed to be fixed if they're able. Something irreparable would need to be dealt with by a judge, but if a quick fix will solve the problem, I'm all for it.
Just one more thing...

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Misplays
« Reply #26 on: August 13, 2013, 07:45:45 PM »
I bring this up again because I made a "misplay" at nationals at the end of one turn and I didn't catch it until catch it until the middle of my next rescue. The scenario was I rescued with Moses and my opponent played Burial on the LS. For whatever reason, I proceeded to discard my Moses. Next RA I used AutO and looked through my deck and couldn't find Moses and then realized I had discarded him. My opponent said I couldn't put Moses back in my territory and the judge agreed.
I think there is a lot of grey area here, and so either both players should agree on what is to be done, or else you just have to go with the judge's decision.

In general, I think it is good to fix mistakes in games.  However, the more time that passes after the mistake, the more I would lean toward just leaving it and moving on.

The most important thing to me is whether the mistake has already affected any other game actions.  So in your case, I wouldn't have a problem with you putting Moses back in your territory normally.  However imagine if you had Chariot of Fire turned on, and your opponent had played his Destruction of Nehustan to get rid of that artifact because he didn't want you to get Moses back.  In that case I would NOT let you take Moses back out of the discard pile because his presence there had already affected other things.

Offline The Guardian

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Re: Misplays
« Reply #27 on: August 13, 2013, 07:59:06 PM »
I bring this up again because I made a "misplay" at nationals at the end of one turn and I didn't catch it until catch it until the middle of my next rescue. The scenario was I rescued with Moses and my opponent played Burial on the LS. For whatever reason, I proceeded to discard my Moses. Next RA I used AutO and looked through my deck and couldn't find Moses and then realized I had discarded him. My opponent said I couldn't put Moses back in my territory and the judge agreed.

I felt that I should have been able to fix it because I made a completely illegal play. If we are allowing people to make illegal plays like that a player could hypothetically "discard" a character that was harming the player in their territory and "not realize" it until the next turn.


I also heard from more than one elder at a big tournament this year that mandatory card actions should be fixed if they are missed (i.e. discarding from hand for 7 Years of Famine if you miss it on your turn). This seems to be inconsistent with how it was handled at nationals.


I believe I would have ruled that Moses could return to your territory but you would not have had the opportunity to exchange for him with AutO since you already chose to search your deck.
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?


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