1. I have Samuel's Edict sitting in Storehouse. I rescue with a Judge, cause a side battle in which I control a magician, and I play Mimicking Miracles in the side battle. Can I copy Samuel's Edict with MM to discard the EC blocking my Judge?
2. If Coliseum is in play, is MM tossed when it copies Samuel's Edict? I don't think so, but wanted to confirm.
Mimicking Miracles - "If used by a magician, you may copy the special ability of an Enhancement until end of turn."
Samuel's Edict - "Negate an evil card. Discard an evil character. Cannot be negated if the only hero in battle is Samuel or a judge with no special ability."
Coliseum - "Negate all protect abilities on cards in the Field of Battle. Toss all Enhancements played in battle that have “cannot be negated” in the special ability, or that have no special ability."