Having not played competitively in 8 years I have some trouble remembering the order in which card abilities take place. Please forgive my ignorance.
1) Samuel:
Negate play abilities. You may search deck for King Saul or David and put it in play to draw 2. May band to a male I Samuel Hero. Cannot be negated.
A) I attack with Samuel, I have King David in my hand...can I search my deck for him
(even though he is in my hand) and then place him into play to draw 2?
B) If I search for David with Samuel can I then add him to the battle with Samuel's band ability?
2) David the Shepherd: You may search deck for throne of David or an O.T. red warrior class hero and put it in play...
A) If I have throne of David in play can I search my deck for it (Even though I already have it), and then place it into play from my hand?
3) Ishmaiah the Gibeonite: Draw X (limit 3). Negate special abilities on Evil Characters with toughness X or less. May band to a red O.T. Hero.
A) If I have Joab banded to Ishmaiah banded to Ashael do I draw 2 or 3 cards?
Again, sorry for the questions that are probably way too simple, but I just cannot remember some of this stuff, or the wording is confusing to me.