Author Topic: Michael vs. Nergalsharezer  (Read 1146 times)

Offline Josh

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Michael vs. Nergalsharezer
« on: April 21, 2010, 07:48:20 PM »
Scenario:  Player A has Michael equipped with Angel's Sword and attacks.  Player B has Nergalsharezer equipped with Swift Horses and blocks.  Player B plays an OT enhancement that defeats Michael.  Can player A still play an enhancement?  Using Spy + Warrior's Spear logic, I would think yes:

1.  Did Angel's Sword enter battle?  Yes.
2.  Was it negated?  Nope.
3.  Then it works.

But if it did work, it would probably be like playing Christian Martyr when Lampstand is activated.  It's a legal move, it just doesn't do anything.

Michael - Enhancements played with Michael cannot be negated.
Angel's Sword - If blocked by a human Evil Character, Hero may play the first enhancement.
Nergalsharezer - If another Babylonian is in play, OT enhancements played on Nerg cannot be negated
Swift Horses - ITB, D2, play next if Babylonian
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Re: Michael vs. Nergalsharezer
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2010, 07:53:10 PM »
AS not being negated doesn't change the fact that michael is being killed by a CBN enhancement. If a CBN card is removing all characters from one side of battle, the only enhancement that can be played at that point is probably just healing enhancements, but those have their own special rules.

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Re: Michael vs. Nergalsharezer
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2010, 07:54:25 PM »
You can't play an enhancement on a hero who is not there. Spy and WSpear is different, because the enhancement was in battle to activate. Angel's Sword activated, but defeated heroes cannot play enhancements unless they can interrupt the defeating card. So if Nergal discards Michael, Michael is now in the discard pile and cannot play enhancements.

One case that DOES work (I'm fairly certain anyway) is if you block a Michael/Angel's Sword with Uzzah. You can still play an enhancement after your opponent suicides his Uzzah, and if you have Swift Beings and Primary Objective, you might even get an LS out of the deal, since the protect ability is interrupted.
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Re: Michael vs. Nergalsharezer
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2010, 07:56:42 PM »
Angel's Sword has a Play As in the REG:

Angel’s Sword
Type: Hero Enh. • Brigade: Silver • Ability: 3 / 2 • Class: Weapon • Special Ability: If blocked by a human Evil Character, Hero may play the first enhancement. • Play As: If blocked by a human Evil Character, holder may play the first enhancement on this character.

As the others have already said, since Michael is no longer in battle, the enhancement cannot be played "on this character."
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Offline Josh

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Re: Michael vs. Nergalsharezer
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2010, 07:59:09 PM »
All right, that makes sense.

What about this:  Imagine the same scenario, except that player B does NOT play a CBN battle winner.  Instead, he plays Great Image.  Can Player A still play an enhancement, even though Nerg is dying and Michael is not?  After all, Angel's Sword says "Holder may play the FIRST enhancement", not "Holder may plan AN enhancement", and technically Great Image would be the "first enhancement played" in the battle.
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Offline YourMathTeacher

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Re: Michael vs. Nergalsharezer
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2010, 08:01:59 PM »
Yes, Michael can play the next enhancement. "Play the first" has been redefined as "Play the next."
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Re: Michael vs. Nergalsharezer
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2010, 08:47:07 PM »
Yes, Michael can play the next enhancement. "Play the first" has been redefined as "Play the next."

Yeah. Jmhartz, those cards got a play as when I brought up the following situation.

Mike + AS is blocked with assyrian archer with 2k horses on him. Before then, it had been ruled that AS would play first, as it said "the first enhancement", but this meant that it would be activating BEFORE all of archers ability could finish. Weapons activate before banding or ctb abilities on characters, so... that situation was completely unrulable... hence the play-as.


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