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Magician is an identifier that doesn't convert when the character does. Because Charms has to be discarded from a Magician it isn't able to be used if a regardless of protection convert occurs
When a character is captured or rescued, all cards placed on that character are discarded
Related, what happens to the card itself? This is the closest I could find in the REG, but it doesn't address Converts specifically.Quote from: REG/PlaceWhen a character is captured or rescued, all cards placed on that character are discarded
Converted characters retain their identifier(s) unless the identifier is alignment specific. Heretic, magician and prophet on Evil Characters do not convert when they become a Hero. Missionary and martyr on Heroes do not convert when they become an Evil Character. Angel on Heroes becomes demon when they convert to an Evil Character.
Quote from: ArmedKevin117 on May 15, 2019, 09:42:20 PMRelated, what happens to the card itself? This is the closest I could find in the REG, but it doesn't address Converts specifically.Quote from: REG/PlaceWhen a character is captured or rescued, all cards placed on that character are discardedActivate only puts a card in a location, it doesn't keep it there. So Charms would remain until your next prep phase. Place and Hold should be the same way.