Author Topic: Love enhancement , LS punisher and - numbers questions + mighty warrior  (Read 1542 times)

Offline redemption collector 777

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Lost Soul (punisher) SA: Negate Heroes of all opponents who have more than 3 good brigades in play.

Tola SA: May draw a card

Shoes of Peace ( C or D deck) multi color brigde good enhancement (c deck) SA does not matter

Lingering in Sodom territory class good enchancement with -3 toughness

Love (Early church) part of SA: Heal and convert your character to a hero of any brigade. Place on that Hero:

Example:  Player A has punisher LS in LOB.   Player B goes for a RA with Tola and draws 1 card.

Then Player B blocks with an EC.

Player A hero plays Shoes of Peace (SA does not matter) multi brigade good enhancement.

1. Is the SA on Tola now negated because there is 9 good brigades in play??

2. If somehow during battle the Shoes of Peace enhancement is discarded from play , does Tola ability reactivate?? (the draw 1?)

3.  If a blue hero is in territory with 2 toughness and then the owner of the hero plays lingering in sodom (as a territory class enhancement and not during battle phase) on that 2 toughness hero , after the Lingering in Sodom ability completes , does  the blue hero get discarded??

4. If a character in battle has 1 strength and then that character plays an enhancement with - 2 strength , can the character's strength go below 0??  ( -1 in this case)

5. In a toss battle if a character has 3 strength and then a tossed enhancement is 4 strength against the 3 strength character , can the character's strength go below 0??

6. I am assuming convert is an instant ability , if a green brigade hero got converted to a red brigade hero with the Love enhancement , and then in a later phase the love enhancement gets negated and discarded from the hero it is placed on , is the hero still red brigade??
« Last Edit: June 27, 2018, 09:22:00 PM by redemption collector 777 »

Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: Love enhancement , LS punisher and - numbers questions
« Reply #1 on: June 27, 2018, 08:06:09 PM »
1 & 2. A negate all is functionally an instant interrupt and ongoing prevent. The interrupt only happens when Punisher enters play, and the prevent updates targets as different players cross 3 brigades either way. Tola isn't negated, so he can't stop being negated.

3. No, negative numbers only discard characters in battle resolution.

4 & 5. Strength can go below 0.

6. Convert is instant, and is not tied to the place, so even if Love is discarded in a later phase the character remains converted.

Offline Kevinthedude

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Re: Love enhancement , LS punisher and - numbers questions
« Reply #2 on: June 27, 2018, 08:29:20 PM »
3. No, negative numbers only discard characters in battle resolution.

I thought having 0 toughness just made a character die immediately?

Offline RedemptionAggie

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Re: Love enhancement , LS punisher and - numbers questions
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2018, 08:42:40 PM »
Enhancements don't change the character - you don't gain or lose access to the */4 or 6/* LS based on the Enhancements in battle. It's not exactly like decrease.

Offline redemption collector 777

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Re: Love enhancement , LS punisher and - numbers questions
« Reply #4 on: June 27, 2018, 09:21:44 PM »
Another question came to my mind:

The Mighty Warrior SA: 

If alone you may look at the top X (limit 7) cards of deck: Take a good Isaiah or O.T red card and underdeck the rest , or toss the next evil enhancement played this battle.

1. According to how the special ability is worded , Is the "If alone" part of the SA tied to all other 3 abilities?? (look , take or toss) or can I choose to toss next evil enhancement if The Mighty Warrior got banded into battle??

Offline RedemptionAggie

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If TMW is alone, you can look. If you look, you can take and underdeck, or do nothing with them (so they go back on top) and toss the next EE.

Offline SEB

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Re: Love enhancement , LS punisher and - numbers questions
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2018, 07:28:05 AM »

4 & 5. Strength can go below 0.

to further expand...strength can be a negative number, but when determining battle outcome negative numbers are treated as "zero"?
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Correct, the negative strength on a Hero does not give more toughness to the EC side of the battle.
Fortress Alstad
Have you checked the REG?
Have you looked it up in ORCID?

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In a 1 on 1 battle that is true, but if there are multiple characters in battle is it safe to say the negative number of a Hero are treated as "zero"?

Example: Hero A is -1/3 and Hero B is 5/5.

Does that make the total strength of the Heroes 4 or 5? I assume 4.
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